9: "Je T'aime, Gerard... Just Sleep."

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Gerard's POV

Damn it, I hate hospitals. The doctors that just want to stick needles inside you and cut you open and give you nothing but bad fucking news.

Oh, and Linda's pissed at me now. Great. Fucking wonderful.

Well, once we finally got to leave (thank god!), I went to Frank's house with him. I stayed with him at the hospital the rest of Christmas day and missed Christmas dinner. We didn't even get to leave until like, midnight. Goddamn.

They gave Frank some crutches, because his foot was indeed, broken. No mistakes could've been made about that. Well, at least Frank gets out of school for a few days. But I'll miss him. I could've stayed, but I'm pretty sure mom told the cops and the school that I was found. I'm probably on the fucking news. Who knows?

I was laying in bed next to Frank, curling up beside him. His dad wasn't home but his mom was. I was grateful for that, because hell, if Frank's dad saw me with Frank, I'd die. No lie.

Maybe - no, Frank's definitely worth it all.

"Hey Frankie," I whispered into the quiet room. I was holding his hand, intertwining our fingers. I looked over at him; he was so beautiful. He was an angel. My angel. My angel.

And most definitely mine now. For sure.

I loved Frank with all my heart - no, with all my existence. He was the love of my existence and I was eternally grateful for him. I was eternally grateful to have found him, or rather, for him to have found me. I needed him the most in my life. He was the only one I could've pictured myself with. I mean, we'd only known each other 3 months, but our love was strong. We found love somehow, at some time. And that was the most beautiful thing in the universe.

"Yeah, baby?" He replied, staring at the ceiling in the dim light. He didn't look at me though. And he kept his voice low: barely more than a whisper.

"Je t'aime," I whispered. He then turned to look at me perplexedly, sitting up halfway and propping himself up on his elbow, tilting his head to the side. "It means 'I love you' in french," I clarified.

He nodded. "Je t'aime," he whispered back, pressing his lips to mine. I deepened the kiss, grabbing onto his shoulders as he half hovered above me, propping himself up with both of his elbows and using his hands to place them on my cheeks.

I knew we couldn't really have sex because of Frank's foot, but that didn't mean we couldn't make out a little. I slid my tongue into his mouth, exploring all I could. He did the same, sliding one of his hands down my chest.

We broke apart after that, just looking into each other's eyes.

We laid in silence after that, until I realized Frank fell asleep.


I left Frank's. I needed to go back home to let mom know where I was. It was fucking cold at 2AM. Thankfully, I had my hoodie. I was taking the shortcut to my house, which is through the woods, when I stopped. I heard something. Heavy breathing. I turned around to see no other that Bert McCracken. He looked like a total fucking maniac. Now that I mention him, I hadn't seen him in way over two months or more. But one thing caught my eye though.

Bert was clutching a knife.

"You... I hate you, Way..." He said in a devilish tone. My breath hitched. I watched as he slowly made his way closer to me. He stopped about ten feet away. He looked extremely evil. Especially at night. He kinda made me think of Satan. "You wanna know why, asshole? It's 'cause you took her. You stole Lindsey from me, you selfish little shit. And I fucking hate your guts. More than ever. And now, I think I kinda want to kill you. For real."

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