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8 months later...

Frank made his way to the cemetery again. He hadn't went there in a little bit, but decided to go again. Most importantly, to find out if he was crazy or not.

He walked through the freezing winds and the snow, making his way to the cemetery gates. It was gloomy out again, but everyday always seemed gloomy to Frank.

He walked up the path and found the grave. Beneath the grave laid a body of a person that Frank loved dearly. Frank couldn't help but to come all the time because he still loved him.

Well, me.

"Gerard," Frank began, shivering like crazy. "Gerard, if you are here with me, prove it. I can feel your presence and I need to know..."

The winds dulled down a bit, bit that wasn't enough to satisfy him.

"Gerard," he cried, dropping to his knees in the ice cold snow. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed. "Please... If you're here with me... Let me know... I- I... I love you... I miss you... I need to know..." He began sobbing again.

I kneeled beside Frank, who was unaware of my presence as far as sight or sound or touch. But my aura, that he was aware of. I didn't need him to see me. Not yet anyway.

I began writing into the snow. I wrote, 'I miss you'. I picked up the winds a little so Frank would look around and see the message. And he did.

"G- Gerard?" Frank breathed, voice almost cracking. He looked over the message over and over. A small smile appeared on his face as tears threatened to spill again. "Can you hear me? Are you near me?"

'Yes. I love you, Frank'.

He gasped as the message appeared before his eyes. The tears started to spill. "Oh my god," he whispered, shaking his head. "I'm not crazy."

'I know'.

He chuckled a little at that. "Gerard, why did you kill yourself?" He asked, almost sobbing again. I hate that I've broken him so much.

'Because I thought you didn't love me and never would and I thought I was making everyone unhappy'.

He began shaking his head. "You didn't make anyone unhappy, Gerard," he whispered, looking around, as if looking for me. "You make me happy and I love you so much..."

'I love you too'.

"Will you show yourself to me? Can you?"


And then I made myself visible. Frank looked up at me and jumped up, wrapping his arms around me. Yes, I was solid, but I was cold as ice. I felt Frank sob into my shoulder.

"It's okay," I soothed him, hugging him back and rubbing his back for comfort. "It's okay... Shh... I'm here..."

He pulled away from the hug, but then crashed his lips into mine.

I almost forgot what kissing him felt like.

After we pulled apart, Frank smiled so big that I swore I felt my heart beat.

"Frank, listen," I said, sighing. I didn't want to do this, but I had to. "If you love me, let me go..."

"What?" He asked, tears pricking at his eyes. "B- but I just got you back..."

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