Bonus Chapter: The Funeral

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Here you go! I decided to make this for you! Since I didn't write the funeral...


Frank knew it was almost time to leave already, and well, he was dreading it.

He was dreading life itself.

Gerard had decided to take his own life, and Frank honestly would rather die than live life without the love of his life. But he couldn't take his own life like Gerard. He had to be strong.

He had to be strong and live his God awful, miserable life. For Gerard. For Mikey. For his friends. For himself. He needed to carry on and not be afraid to keep on living, like Gerard had written to him.

And that note to him was heartbreaking, but he'd never, ever, get rid of it. He would make sure it was safe until he died, which had to be a long time from now.

Frank was sitting on his bed, all dressed in black. He was taking Gerard's death so fucking horribly. And he was crying.

He held one single red rose in his hand: one he planned to give to Gerard once he came out of the bathroom, but things were different, and Gerard did come out of the bathroom... On a gurney.

He slid his index finger down the rose, letting the thorns cut it up. A single drop of blood fell onto the hardwood floor, and Frank looked at it.

Someone appeared in the doorway. "Frank, let's go," Mikey sighed, taking ahold of Pete's free hand, whilst his occupied hand was wiping tears from Mikey's face.

Frank nodded, and stood up, wiping away his own tears with his sleeve. He walked out the door, and off they all went to the funeral.


It was raining lightly when they arrived at the church. They stepped out of the car and made their way up the steps and into the church.

It was an open casket funeral. Donna went up first, looking at her lifeless son and started to bawl her eyes out. Her new boyfriend, Tom, came up and wrapped his long arms around her. He lead her away to the pews.

The priest stood in front of the casket, and give Mikey a sad smile as he walked up to the casket, before, like his mom, bawling his eyes out, but into Pete's chest.

Frank was next. He walked up to the casket and he swore his heart stopped beating for a few seconds. It was a dreadful sight, of course. He brushed back a single strand of raven black hair, to see all of Gerard's pale, yet still remarkably beautiful, yet also lifeless, face.

Frank cried again. It wasn't sobs, but there was tears.

"I love you," he whispered softly, leaning down and placing a short, gentle kiss on Gerard's chapped and faded lips.

He went and sat with everyone else.

Frank remembered finding a note in Gerard's pants pocket, as well as a song he wrote. The note said, 'bury me in all my favorite colors', but then beneath it, it said, 'bury me in black'.

The song Frank would sing.

When it was finally his turn to speak, Frank gulped, wiping away some tears as he made his way over to where he was supposed to stand.

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