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I stood there in shock what does he mean by your mine? I didn't agree to anything. I stood there looking a Zayn who had his hands clenched. I gotta stand up for myself.

"Zayn I'm not yours! Do you hear me?" 

"Kayla" he came up to me a kissed me to the lips. Omg! Best feeling ever, I just wanted to say to him I'm yours straight away but I couldn't. He can't tell me that I'm his. I pushed away, he grinned and turned away. As he walked of I ran to Aiden who was siting on the floor.


I closed the door behind me, my grin had disappeared. The only reason I said she was mine is because I panicked. If she's with me the whole time then I can protect her. Protect her from the other gang. The other gang wants to hurt her, fuck I knew I shouldn't of gone near her. My nickname is trouble for a reason. I shouldn't of beaten up Suliman, but he cheated on with Liam's girl, he deserved, what what I supposed to do? I began to walk home in the pouring rain, I left my jacket at Kayla's. I can't believe Suliman's gang wants to hurt her. she has nothing to do with it. It's probably because she's the only girl that I have ever cared about. Suliman's gang approached me but I managed to get away. That's how the scar happened, before I could get away they got their knifes of and it caught my cheek, luckily not the eye.

I reached my house and buy this time I was soaking wet. I knocked on the door and no one answered, I couldn't take my motorbike because the keys were in my jacket as well as my house keys. I sat on my doorstep and it was still heavy rain so I was getting even more soaked.

Then I heard someone coming towards me..

"Zayn?" I looked straight up 


"You left your jacket" and she threw it at me, she went to walk away but I grabbed her wrist,  

"Kayla wait"  

"Zayn I'm not yours and will never be, I hate you, I don't know how I could ever like you! Your trouble"  

"Kayla Iv got a bit of explaining to do"  

"Make it quick" I explained everything I didn't know how she would take all of this, but she took it pretty well. 

"What, people are after me? Because of YOU?!" 

"I can't believe you, me and my family are in danger because of you and your stupid games" 

"I don't want to be anywhere near you! You hear me?! I DON'T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR ME!!" And she stormed off, she can't go she needs protecting, it can't be, It's halve term soon and I'm going away for a bit I need to convince her to come with me and the boys, to be safe, so her family is safe!


I walked into Art and there she was siting in the seat that is infront of me. I walked over and sat behind her, I sit next to that dickhead Aiden. I was thinking over in my head what to say to her, should I say that, oh I dunno.

"Pssssss" but she ignored me 

"Kayla," I whispered but she still ignored me 

"Kayla Kayla Kayla Kayla Kayla Kayla" I repeatedly said until she turned around. 

"What" she hissed 

"I need to talk to you, meet me by my locker" 

"No Zayn I told you I don't want anything to do with you" 

"It's important"

"Zayn and Kayla stop talking!" Everyone turned around and looked around at us. 

"What you fucking looking at" I shouted and they immediately turned around, all you could hear was Harry laughing. 

"Harry I will slap you"  

"Cmon then" we both stood up and walked over to him and we playfully started fighting, it was the funniest thing ever until ms interrupted and set both of us out. I think the class could hear us laughing outside the class room because ms came out said go away your disturbing my class, so we walked to the backgate to have a smoke" the bell went and I walked over to my locker to find Kayla standing there looking at the floor. I smirked when I caught sight of her. I whispered to Kayla so no one else could hear "Kayla it's not safe here! You can't stay here, if you do your putting your family in danger. I'm going to a caravan site with the boys" I could see her smirking " hey don't laugh, it's the only place we could think of where they wouldn't find us, so you coming or not" she replied with "your saying this will protect my family?" "Yes!" "Then I guess I have no choice, great ill pick you up at 9 tomorrow morning" "terrific" she sarcastically said. I walked of with a smirk across my face, but then it dropped, shit my date! Oh well I don't need that plan anymore, I guess everything has worked out, well apart from people wanting to hurt Kayla, but ill make sure that wont happen.

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