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I woke up, I jumped up and ran straight to the toilet, I threw up 4 times, I was leaning over the toilet when I heard Zayn walk up behind me, he reached for my hair and pulled it back out of the way, he kissed the top of my head, I was about to say thanks but I threw up again. I stood up and sat on the toilet and put my head in my hands, I felt Zayn rub my back, I was so tired. I took out my phone from my bra and read the time. 2:00 am. I stood up and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, I hate the taste of sick, but I guess everyone does. After brushing my teeth I turned around and hugged Zayn and thanked him. We walked back into the bedroom and laid down. Then Zayn got up and went into the kitchen.

"Where you going" I whispered making sure I didn't wake anyone. 

"I'll be 2 secs" I laid in bed whilst waiting. I had such bad stomach pains, I held onto my stomach and squeezed my eyes shut. 2 minutes later Zayn came back in, I didn't open my eyes I kept them squeezed shut. Then I felt something warm on my stomach I opened my eyes and saw Zayn placing a hot water bottle on my belly. 

"Aw thanks Zayn"  

"Your welcome" 

"I love you" I whispered whilst closing my eyes 

"I love you 2" I woke up and Zayn wasn't next to me. I got up and slipped my dressing gown on. I walked into the kitchen and saw Harry cooking pancakes and the boys siting on the sofa except Zayn.  

"Hey Kayla" 

"Hey" I replied back to Harry 

"It smells good dont it" Niall said happily  

"Yeah great, um where's Zayn" they all looked at eachother, Liam began to nod his head then Louis shook his head. 

"Guys where is he" I shouted  

"Well um we heard from a mate that Suliman's near this area so Zayn when out to find him" Liam said 

"Liam we said we wouldn't say anything to her" Niall frowned 

"Sorry niall but the girl deserves to know where Zayn is" 

"I'm going to go find him" I said whilst turning 

"No no you can't, you have to stay here!" Harry said whilst grabbing my arm 

"What why"  

"Because your not safe, specially if he's near here" 

"Urgh fine, I'm gonna try and ring him" I walked out the kitchen and into the front room, I grabbed my blackberry and tried to phone him, no signal! Urgh useless piece of shit I screamed whilst throwing is across the room.


I walked out of the camp site and down the road were Louis last saw him, I walked past the shop were Louis was buying pancake mix. Lol I feel like the FBI, I looked down the ally way and behind buildings when I saw him. Coming out of the tattoo shop. Got you bitch.. Punch in the face! Pow pow, 2 more punches to the face. He got my girlfriend pregnant by rape! I'm going to hurt him so bad but not here not in public, I grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him down the ally way before anyone could see. I punched him 4 more times in the face causing his nose to bleed. When he fell to the floor I kicked him twice in the ribs. I know people say kicking is for pussys but right at this moment I just want to cause as much damage to him as possible. I kicked him 3 times in the balls which probably meant no more kids.

"This is for causing my girlfriend pain" one punch in stomach 

"This is for getting my girlfriend pregnant" one punch in nose 

"This is for everything else" one punch in balls 

"If you complain about this to anyone I will tell the police you raped my girlfriend, fucking got it!"  

(No response) 

"That's what I thought" and I began heading back to the caravan. I hope no one said anything to Kayla because other wise she will be pissed! Specially with those fucking hormones"



"It's okay, he's protecting you" Liam said trying to calm her 


"Zayn won't be in danger" I explained 


"I just do, so calm down" I replied 


"But you just did" I said with a confused frown 


"Fine" I walked up to the draw and grabbed some duck tape and covered my mouth with it whilst Kayla shouted at Liam some more. Harry then decided to come over and duck tape me all around my head so I couldn't speak at all. But I like making it dramatic sometimes. 

"HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GO" Kayla screamed to us, we all then heard a key and the door opening, Zayn came in and me and the boys covered our ears so we don't become death. But then she started crying and hugging Zayn, we all took our hands away. 

"Omg Zayn I'm so glad your okay" Kayla cried deeply 

"WTF!!" Niall exclaimed.

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