Pearl X Amethyst

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Amethyst's POV:

I was bored and it was nighttime, Steven was asleep, so I couldn't hang out with him, Garnet was out on a mission, so I decided to leave her alone. Then there was Pearl. She and I got along sometimes, but most of the time we hardly ever got along. I got up off of the couch and walked over to her room and knocked three times. She answered the door and she had her spear in her hand. "What do you want?" She spat the words out. "Geez sorry, I got kinda lonely and I wanted to hang out with you." I said sarcastically. I started to walk away until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Wait! Look I'm sorry, it's just that I want Rose back alright." She gestured for me to come into her room and I went in. "It's alright." I said. I was happy that she let me in. "Do you want to train together?" Pearl asked me in her light voice.

I didn't say anything, I just summoned my weapon. She smiled at me, something she rarely does, and I smiled back at her. I grabbed her spear with my whip and slammed her on the ground. Her mouth started to bleed a little, but she smiled at me again. "Is that all you got?" Pearl said.

"Nope." I summoned another whip and she summoned another spear. She threw one of them at me and it hit me in the shoulder. Pearl noticed I was in pain and came to help me. "Amethyst!" Pearl yelled, but it too late, I had retreated to my gem.

Pearl's POV:

"No. No. No!" I yelled. I thought the situation over trying to calm down. "Rose's Fountain." I whispered to myself. I quickly ran out of my room and warped to Rose's healing fountain. Amethyst's gem was cracked and I had to fix it.

I stepped into the fountain myself and dipped her gem in the water. I looked at her gem with tears in my eyes. Her gem started to float in the air and out of my hands. Amethyst's body started to form around her and I caught her. She laid there in my arms and looked up at me. She saw that I was crying and wiped a tear from my face and she held her hand against my cheek and I felt my cheeks warm up. "Your blushing." Amethyst said with a smile on her face. I put her down and ran away. I was not good with my feelings. "Hey wait! It's okay!" She yelled and I continued to run until I reached the warp pad and warped to the strawberry fields. That's where the war happened. I walked along the path admiring the strawberries. I would never eat one though. I heard the warp pad activate behind me and I ran behind a strawberry bush. "Pearl, I know your here! You don't need to be afraid!" Amethyst yelled and she walked in my direction, took out her whip and took the strawberry bush I was hiding behind away. She came towards me and I blushed madly. My face started to heat up and I felt like I was going to puke. I ran some more, it was a good thing I had endurance. I heard a crack of a whip and felt something wrapped around my torso. It was Amethyst's whip. She dragged me back with a force and I landed in her arms. She was hugging me. I tried to fight her, but she wasn't letting go. "Let go of me!" I screamed at her. I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. "You really don't get it, do you?" I looked down at her and she had tears falling from her eyes. "I love you!" She screamed and let me go. "It's obvious you dont love me back." Amethyst walked off deeper into the strawberry patches.

I stopped. I had no idea what to say. I saw that she was out of sight and fell to my knees. "She. Loves. Me." I said the words slowly and separately. I ran after her and saw that she was at the place where I agreed to help Rose in the war. I jumped up the floating rocks, they bounced with each step I took. I stared at her for a second. "I know your there." Amethyst said to me.

I walked up to her trying not to make a sound and sat next to her and we didn't speek to each other. I leaned my head on her shoulder and she let out s long sigh and I felt something wet on my shoulder. Amethyst was crying again. "Shh~ I cooed her. She stopped crying. I took my head off her shoulder and she looked at me. "Do you really love me?" She nodded her head. I took her face in my hands and shoved her lips to mine. She was confused at first, but she kissed me back. The kiss lasted until she broke it. "That was nice." Amethyst said to me with a smile. "Yes, it was indeed." I smiled at her. We kissed some more until we both were exausted from our emotions and we both layed there on the grass. "I love you." I was the one who said it this time. "I love you too. Let's keep this a secret." I nodded my head and Amethyst wrapped her arm around me and I snuggled up to her. We both lied there and eventually fell to sleep on each others arms.

Author's Note: I wrote my own book titled Elementals and I put some of it on here. I already have it written. Just need to edit now. I would appreciate it if you guys checked it out. Just look under my profile. Thanks.

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