Sadie X Lars

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Sadie's POV:

I was at the Big Donut restocking the supplies. Since I was in the back I did not hear when Lars was coming in. "Hey P2." He said. I always liked that nickname. It made me feel special. "Hey." I said, trying to keep as calm as possible. "Do you want help." He asked, since I was short I had trouble reaching the top shelf. I nodded my head and smiled at him. Lars walked over to me and took the box I was holding out of my hands and on the shelf above me. "You know, when you sing, I can hear it right?" He looked over at me with a smile on his face. I blushed and looked away, hoping that he wouldn't notice. "Your singing is nice." When he said this my heart stopped for a second. I looked at him. "You heard me." He said and walked out of the room, but before be did he handed me a piece of paper.

I read the paper over, and when I did my legs felt weak.

Meet me at the beach at eight tonight. I have something for you.

I felt like I was going to faint. I put the paper in my pocket and smiled. "Yes!" I whispered to myself and fist pumped the air. I walked out of the sock room and saw that Lars was gone. I looked over at the clock and it read that it was six o' clock. My shift was over and I sighed to myself. I grabbed my purse and clocked out. "Sadie!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Steven's voice. He ran up to me with a big smile on his face. "Guess what?" He said with excitement. "What?" I asked and giggled a little. "Lars likes you!" He yelled. Thankfully there was no one around us. I noticed that my face was getting warm and I knew I was blushing. "H-How would you know that?" I stuttered. "Isn't it obvious? You guys flirt all the time!" He yelled. "Could you keep your voice down?" I asked him and he nodded his head. "We have to get you ready." He said with a smile. "For what?" I asked and my face still felt warm. "Your date." Steven said and started to drag me by my arm. "Could I maybe wear something casual? Last time you dressed me up I could hardly walk." I said and Steven let go of my arm. "If you want." He said and had a sad look on his face. I felt bad. "Alright." I said and his head perked up. "Ooh. We can get you to wear a nice dress and blah blah blah!" I turned him out when he said the dress part. I started to think about Lars and what he had planned for me.

We both eventually reached my house and my mom was sitting on the couch and searching through the mail. Steven looked at me with a smile and I shook my head. I know that he wanted to tell my mom that I was going out tonight with Lars. He nodded his head and I smiled at him. My mom was so into looking at the mail that she didn't even notice the Steven and I come in the door.

Steven dragged me down to the basement where my room was. He sat me down on my bed and smiled at me. "Okay, Casual. Hmmm." He began to look through my closet and pulled out my baby blue dress and some tan flats. "How about this?" He said and I smiled. Steve walked over to me and he handed me the outfit. "You get ready. I am going to talk to your mom." I was about to protest when Steven raised up his hand. "I am not going to tell your mom." He said to me with a serious face. I nodded my head and Steven began to walk up the stairs.

I began to get dressed and thought about Lars as I usually did. I walked over to my make-up counter and out on some blush to brighten up my face a little. Steven came down along with my mom. "There's my baby girl!" She yelled. "Hi mom." I said and attempted a smile. "I have to go and do something." I said and looked at the clock. It read 7:45. "Be back soon!" She yelled and while I was walking up the stairs. "Bye." I said and reached the top of the stairs.

When I walked out of the house I felt a little cold. I shrugged it off and began walking down the stairs. I saw Lars in the distance. I did not live that far from the beach. I started to breathe heavily and I told myself to calm down. I saw that Lars was dressed in a decent shirt and some nice pants. "You look nice." He said and smiled at me. "You too." When I said this he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed his hand back and smiled. I felt something slide around my shoulders and I realized it was a jacket. "You look cold." He said. "Thanks." I said in a,quiet voice. I was nervous that I was going to mess this up. Lars gently released his hand from mine. He turned to face me and I turned to face him. "Ever since I met you I have liked you and I know that I act like a jerk and I'm...sorry." He said and handed me a box. I gently took it from him and opened it. When I did I was met with a ring. It was gold and had a pink stone in the middle of it. "Lars." I said and he looked at me. I hugged him and didn't let go. "I accept your apology." When I said this Lars reached down to kiss me. He was going to slow, so I moved my face towards his and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. He surprised me by picking me up and putting me on his shoulders. "Why don't we go get something to eat?" He said to me with a smile and I nodded my head. Today was a good day, and definitely one I will remember.

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