Amethyst X Peridot

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Author's Note: Slight lemon in this chapter.

Amethyst's POV:

It was a hot day out and I was sweating. Peridot and I were at the Kindergarten, once again checking on the clusters progress.

"About two weeks now." Peridot said, looking at the screen in front of her. Her eyes had fear in them. I was scared, but I was good at hiding my emotions. I always had to. Back when I was first created, the other gems used to bully me. There were fights everywhere back when I was created. Gems were shattered. Pain and agony was all I heard. At times, when I wanted to sleep, I couldn't because of all the screams I heard. A tear fell down my face, but I wiped it away and hoped that Peridot did not notice.

"Please do not tell me your pathetic emotions are getting in the way of this mission."

Peridot rolled her eyes, and looked down at me.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand anyways."

I turned and walked away from her. She scoffed and turned back to the computer screen. I cried silently to myself, when I was alone. No one seemed to care, except for Steven. Pearl yelled at me and Garnet was always quiet the whole time. As I was walking, I looked around and saw the holes where all the other gems were created. I found mine amd slumped down into it, letting the tears fall. This is where it all happened. Where Rose found me, hiding in my hole away from the other gems, so that they would not break me. The horrid memories of gems breaking made me sick. I puked and breathed heavily after I was done. I heard a nasally voice and I knew who it was. Peridot. She was yelling my name, wanting me to come out of my hole.


She walked over to my hole and stared at me. Before I could object, she crawled in my hole and took a seat next to me. I did not look at her.

"Get out."

She shook her head. I felt Peridot grab my shoulder. Instead of staying in my hole with her, I crawled out of it amd continued my walk back to the warp pad. There were light footsteps from behind of me.

"I'm sorry."

Her sentence almost made me stop, but I ignored her. A slight pain shot through my shoulder. Peridot had threw a rock at me. I turned around to face her with a scowl. I smiled at her when I saw the fear spread across her face whenI turned around.

"You shouldn't have done that."

A bright purple light surrounded me as I summomed my whip.

"You're going to get a whipping."

Peridot started to run, but my whip wrapped around her waist. As I brought her back to me, she screamed and kicked, trying to break free. Once I brought her close to me, she started to speak.

"Bubble me if you wish."

She looked away from me with an ashamed look on her face. A pain shot through my heart. I knew she felt bad, and she did apologize. I dropped her and she fell to the ground. I looked down at her and untied my whip from her body. She stared at me as I did. Once she was untied, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Stupid clod."

She blushed and looked me in the eyes.

"At least I'm not a nerd."

Before I had time to say anything else, she kissed me. She bit the bottom of my lip, causing me to gasp. Once she let go of me, I put a finger to my lip and saw that I was bleeding.

"You're going to get a whipping for that."

I summoned my whip and turned her around. She gasped and shruddered when I whipped her across the back. I saw that she was biting her lip.

"You like that?"

She did not respond, so I whipped her even harder. "You will answer your master." I stated firmly through clenched teeth.


She whispered. I unsummoned my whip, causing Peridot to look back at me.


I whispered under my breath as I walked away from her. She ran up next to me.


She whispered. A slight smile crossed my face as we walked up to the warp pad. We warped back to the temple to find Steven sitting on the couch with a smile on his face.

"How was it?"

She said as he looked between Peridot and I. I looked down at Peridot and saw that she was blushing.

"It was interesting."

I said with a smile on my face. Peridot looked up at me and punched me im the arm.



Garnet came into the room and looked between Peridot amd I with a slight smirk on her face. Steven ran up to Garnet and hugged her leg.

"How was your mission with Pearl?"

Steven asked. Garnet smirked.

"It was interesting."

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