chapter 3 <3

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i was crying through out the whole car journey, my cries were loud and Harry was getting really annoyed he rolled his eyes a number of tiems then he kept telling me to pull myself together and stop crying. i stopped crying when we reached his house the only reason i stopped crying was because i saw Harry's house i was in shock he looked rich but not this rich. it was the biggest house i have ever seen it was beautiful. Harry saw the look on my face as i stared at the fantastic house in bewilderment. he smirked 'Never seen something like this before have you?'

i really didn't want to have a convesation with him and i was glad i had put off having one with him for the whole joourney but now he had asked me a question and i had to answer. 

'No your house is nice,' i said quietly. 

'yes it is i have maids and butlers in my house,' Harry said 'You wont have to do much housework,,'

'Oh...thankyou,' i said

'You are lucky to be matched with me, some other poor girls have to have husbands who live in those shit houses by Applebee road (made up road just used for the purpose of this story).,' 

'I used to live there,' I said

'Oh i should have guessed,' Harry laughed

this made me angry he really was cheeky. he helped me out of the car and held my hand as we walked in, i was not at all comfortable with holding his hand but i knew i would have to do much more with him. 

'Harry...i dont have many erm nice clothes,' I said realising that i had no slutty clothes that Harry would want me to wear.

'Not a problem, i can get someone to go fetch you some,' Harry said 

he was being suprisingly nice at the moment but i didn't trust him i mean i just saw him beat up Niall. i hoped Niall was okay. 

we walked into the house and Harry led me to the master bedroom we were sharing it was amazing i really liked it. 

'Come down when you feel like it,' Harry said walking downstairs to watch tv. i nodded, i was dreading the night time because i was fearing that Harry would make me have sex the first night i mean he seemed really eager on kids. 

i sat in the room for ages for the whole afternoon, i brushed my hair and twiddled my thumbs and paced around the big bedroom hundreds of times. i was bored as hell but i wanted time away from Harry for a while. 

it was dinner time and i was still sitting in the room. i was wondering about this massive house i felt bad for my parents who were living in the poor conditions. they deseved a house like this not Harry and not me. i kept thinking about what Harry said about those poor girls who had to live in those shit houses and i wondered if my mum was dissapointed when she found out my dad lived in a shit house did she feel that she could have been matched with someone with a massive house with maids and servants so she didn't have to slave around all day? 

then a knock came on the door i assumed it was Harry.

'Harry?' i asked before answering the door

'No sorry, my name is Zayn we haven't met i am a butler here,' he asked he had a really cool accent 

i opened the door and a beautiful boy who looked about my age opened the door he smiled an amazing smile. 

'Hi,' i said really high pitched which indicated that i fancied him which i would probably be killed by harry for doing.

'Hello,' he said he was staring at me bemused he was facinated and staring into my eyes he then realised what he was doing could get him fired so he snapped out of it and returned to his job.

Matched with Harry falling for NiallWhere stories live. Discover now