Chapter 7

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Billie Joe made sure to leave the house extra early that morning. He couldn't risk riding the bus with Mike anymore, and he definitely couldn't risk being late again. Eventually, the school will call home, informing Steve of Billie's tardies. That would only give him another reason to connect his fist with Billie's face.

The cold air was no help to Billie Joe's discomfort. His shirt rubbed up against the cigarette burns that were scattered across his chest. They had blistered even more over night, making Billie wake up with tight skin.

Billie Joe sighed as he finally made it to school with his class work filled backpack. He found it weird to be walking into school with all the other kids on time.

Trying to avoid any gazes or glances, Billie Joe ducked his head and threw on his hood. He wanted to be invisible to everyone else, like a ghost in the wind. He wondered if one day he could be invisible.

Just when Billie thought he would make it to first period without being noticed by anyone, he felt someone grab his forearm. All too hard. He accidentally let out a yelp as he started to be pulled backwards.

He soon found that the person behind him was trying to pull him into the janitor's closet. Students passed but didn't seem to notice as they made their way to a class they probably won't even pay attention to.

Before Billie Joe could turn around to see who grabbed him, he was shoved in the dark closet with the dark figure following.

Not knowing who he was trapped in a small space with scared Billie. He started to breathe quickly and shake slightly as he waited for any indication that he was safe. He mentally told the person holding him in the closet to say something soon, because he was on the verge of a panic attack.

The person, or predator, reached up to turn on the small light above the two. The room soon lit up and Billie Joe was scared to open his shut eyes. He shook even more, knowing now that the person could see him.

"Billie?" they asked.

Billie Joe opened his bright green eyes slowly to see...Mike. Mike stood over Billie with worries eyes as he saw the anxiety that was taking over Billie's body. He shook and his breathing was off as he seemed to cower away from Mike.

Mike put his hands out in front of him to show that he meant no harm.

"I'm sorry, Bill. I didn't mean to scare you, man," Mike apologized sympathetically. He felt horrible for causing Billie so much stress.

Billie Joe didn't respond, but he did come a few steps closer to Mike. He calmed down slowly but surely as he waited for Mike to tell him why he was here. Why they were here.

"I just, wanted to talk to private. Maybe it'll make you feel more comfortable?" Mike suggested.

Billie only looked up at Mike with no emotion. Although it didn't show, Billie Joe was quite confused.

Mike sighed and shifted his backpack as he tried to find the right words. He wanted to get something out of Billie, but he didn't want to jump down his throat and scare him off.

"Tré and I have noticed that you've been hiding something. Somethings? We're not sure. The point is is that you don't let us in on what's bothering you anymore. We feel excluded," Mike said mainly speaking for himself. He knew Tré wasn't as worried as he was.

Billie Joe just looked up to the worried boy that stood towering over him. He wasn't planning on telling Mike about Steve today, let alone ever. Steve made a promise to Billie, and that promise would end with Billie being six feet under.

"I wanted to ask you about Steve. Tré said when he saw you leave the clinic yesterday that Steve was...pulling your arm. Quite hard actually. And you never really talk about Steve, so I was wondering if, like, maybe Steve..."

Billie Joe furrowed his eyebrows as Mike began to trail off. He knew exactly where this was going, and he had to stop it.

"Are you trying to say that Steve is abusing me?" Billie asked hoarsely, his voice cracking from its limited use.

He tried to ignore the burning pit in his stomach that reminded him that Mike was right. But he couldn't admit to what he had to come home to every day.

"Well?" Mike shrugged.

Billie pretended to be amazed that Mike would ask such a thing as he went to go for the door. Mike noted his attempt to leave, and grabbed his shoulders. He turned Billie Joe around so that his back was against the door. Billie winced and whimpered in pain.

"What are you afraid of? What is making you keep this from me?" Mike asked desperately.

Billie Joe tried to wriggle free from Mike's hold on his shoulders. He knew Mike wasn't trying to hurt him, but with Mike touching his previous bruises and cuts, he was more uncomfortable than ever. The pain started to be too much and Billie whimpered again.

Mike noticed Billie Joe's hint and backed off of him. He didn't want to hurt Billie, he just wanted answers.

"I'm sorry, bud. I just want you to tell me the truth-"

"I am," Billie whispered.

Mike stood in awe as he looked at Billie. Billie Joe couldn't even make eye contact with him, so how did he expect him to admit that he was being abused. Was he being abused? It was so frustrating.

Billie kept his head down as Mike shook his head and scuffed in disbelief. Billie Joe was ashamed that he didn't tell Mike, but he would rather Mike be disappointed in him than be sliced open with a knife by Steve.

"Can you just answer me this one question? Answer it honestly?" Mike begged.

Billie Joe didn't acknowledge that he even heard Mike. He remained silent as he looked into Mike's blue eyes. He waited patiently.

Mike cleared his throat nervously. He didn't want to sound stupid or exaggerated when he asked this. He wanted Billie to feel comfortable with telling him anything. Anything that came to mind. Anything going on at school, at home. Anything at all. He wanted Billie to feel safe telling him.

Mike sighed before he continued.

"Does Steve abuse you?"

Billie Joe didn't answer for a second. He kept looking in his friend's desperate eyes as they searched for answers and promised help. Billie hesitated as he thought long and hard about Mike's question. For a second he actually considered telling Mike. He actually considered getting a huge amount of weight off his chest, but all that faded away as he was reminded of the consequences.


Mike shivered at Billie's answer. Before Mike could pressure him anymore, Billie Joe turned around and opened the door shakily.

Billie Joe jogged down the hallway to ensure that he would be able to escape from Mike and all his putrefying answers. His chest ached and his head was spinning as he left Mike behind in a small janitor's closet for him to think. Meanwhile, Billie didn't know what to think. He just lost another opportunity to tell someone about Steve. Another opportunity to get help. But he couldn't, because Steve had silenced him into lying. Silenced him into fear of others.

Billie Joe wanted to scrub his tongue with soap as he thought back to the lies he just told.

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