Chapter 8

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When Billie Joe got home that day, he didn't even have time to dart up the stairs in an effort to get away from Steve. His step father had a hold of his bruised forearm within seconds of him stepping through the door.

Billie's backpack smacked against the wall and knocked things over continuously as he was dragged into the living room by Steve. The angry growl that came from the bottom of Steve's throat made Billie Joe whimper in fear.

The room was dim with the only light source being the staticky TV. Billie noticed that the tube was silenced as he was shoved into the small space.

Billie Joe was thrown on the thinly carpeted living room floor by no other than Steve himself. He looked down at Billie with balled fists as Billie Joe started to shake in fear. Billie laid on his back fearfully as Steve watched him with intimidating eyes.

"Awe, is the little faggot scared?" Billie's stepdad taunted.

Billie tried to get away and make a quick run for his room but had no success as Steve suddenly pounced on him. He straddled Billie Joe's chest, making it hard for him to breathe.

The shaky, hopeless hands that belonged to the defeated teenager desperately tried to push the massive amount of weight off his body. Steve held his ground, seeming to act as a boulder compared to Billie's thin arms. He grinned at Billie Joe evilly.

"What's wrong, you little bitch? Can't breathe?" Steve asked. He talked to Billie as if he was a five year old.

Billie Joe could tell that he was drunk. Steve was well known for drinking, but it took a lot to get him fully drunk. And that only made his violence worsen. Billie was screwed.

The struggle to get Steve off his chest was a continued fight for Billie Joe. He balled his stepdad's shirt in his fists as he tried to pry him off his being. It was no use.

"Stop trying to get away. It's useless," Steve hissed as he grabbed Billie's wrists.

Billie had his hands pinned on either side of his head as Steve held his wrists violently. He started to toss and turn his body under Steve trying anything he could to get away. Steve only watched, seeming entertained by the desperate movements.

Steve started to slowly move his straddle from Billie Joe's chest to around Billie's hips. Billie froze at the movement, it all being too unfamiliar to him.

"What's wrong? Aren't you used to having someone touch you like this?" Steve said just above a whisper.

Billie Joe started to shake harder as he realized that Steve was speaking to him in a seductive way. His legs were still firmly around Billie's hips. What is happening?

Steve got closer to Billie Joe. He got so close that his mouth was right in the crook of Billie's neck. His stepfather breathed slowly, wanting to get a terrified shiver out of the teenager. He succeeded in doing so as Billie twitched away from the hot air that met his neck.

"Aren't you used to having your boyfriend do this to you? What's his name? Mike?" Steve whispered, still uncomfortably close to Billie Joe.

Billie shook his head slightly in fear and let out a hopeless whimper. Steve had never done this to him before. What exactly was he doing?

Billie Joe's stepdad chuckled lowly as he felt the tension in Billie's body. He sat up slightly, still holding Billie's wrists above his head. There was basically no point in holding them there though, for Billie Joe was frozen in fear and confusion. Billie could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"You're such a faggot," Steve slurred his drunken words.

Billie froze again as Steve let go of one of Billie Joe's wrists and brought his hand to Billie's side. His hand started at Billie Joe's chest and moved agonizingly slow up and down Billie's side. Billie felt like he was being held down with thousands of ropes, and if he moved an inch, an axe would be sent through his skull.

"Stop," Billie Joe whispered desperately.

He knew what Steve was doing, and he didn't want him to go any further.

Steve only smirked at Billie's words, finding it as a source of power for his disgusting actions. His bloodshot eyes gave off another indication that he was hammered. That had no effect on Billie Joe as he felt Steve moving his hand again.

Steve slipped his hand under Billie's shirt and ran his large hand over the smooth, warm surface of the teen's stomach. His hand felt like icicles on Billie Joe's skin.

Billie shook harder, wanting so badly to scream for help, but he knew that no one would hear him. He also knew that there was no way that the words would be able to meet his mouth, let alone the volume of them.

"You like it," Steve slurred.

"No," Billie Joe whispered, shaking his head as he watched Steve continue to touch his body without permission.

Steve ignored Billie's words and started to go further down Billie Joe's body. His hand went down Billie's side until it was at Billie Joe's butt. He trailed his hand around Billie's ass and gave it a hard squeeze, receiving a yelp from Billie.

"You like it a lot," Steve yet again slurred.

"Please, no."

Billie's stepfather let out yet another low chuckle. He found Billie Joe's desperate cries amusing, and he wanted more of it.

"Just admit it."

Steve started to bring his hand back around Billie Joe's ass and to Billie's belt buckle. He tried to sneakily undo it, thinking that Billie would be too helpless and frightened to care. But he was more than wrong.

Billie Joe felt an instinctive spark in his body. He knew that what Steve was doing was going to hurt him, and he knew it was disgustingly wrong. Billie somehow, within a matter of a few frightful seconds, got ten times the strength in his body. He ripped his hand out of Steve's grasp and took both hands to shove his stepfather's chest back. Steve flew off of Billie Joe just in enough time for Billie to wriggle free from under Steve's large, heavy frame and leave the terrifying scene that would forever be burned in his memory.

Billie Joe didn't look back to see if Steve was following him out of the living room and up the stairs. He only cared about getting away. He had to get away. Otherwise, he would never be able to escape. Not just Steve's actions, but his memory as well.

The skinny legs belonging to Billie Joe wasted no time to trip their way up the steps. Billie was breathing heavily the whole way up. He heard Steve stumbling around in the living room before finally finding it too hard to walk while he was drunk.

Billie raced around the corner to his dark bedroom. He flew through the door before quickly turning around to shut and lock it.

Billie Joe put his back against the door as he slid down it until he reached the floor in a crouching position. His body shook so much that it rattled the door in the doorframe. Sweat rolled down his face, his throat dryer than ever. Billie brought his trembling hands to his chest, thankful that Steve hadn't gotten past his belt buckle.

Billie Joe dwelled in his own pity, feeling more violated than he ever had before.

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