Chapter 2

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When Billie got to school that day, he had already missed over half of first period. He didn't care though. In fact he actually considered skipping school and walking through town all day, but he didn't want to carry his heavy backpack around. He also didn't want him to know.

The back doors of the school were locked when Billie Joe tried to give them a firm push. He sighed heavily and began shuffling around the building to the front doors. He breathed in smoke infested air while doing so.

Stoners and junkies slumped against the wall with joints held lazily in their hands as Billie passed. Billie Joe kept his head down and flinched when they coughed. His nose burned.

Billie finally reached the front doors and was glad that there were no big mouthed teachers roaming the halls. He wasn't in the mood for their questions on why he was late.

His shoes tapped down the quiet hall as students dozed off in their classrooms. Billie Joe pulled his backpack closer to him as he looked at the bulletin boards that obnoxiously encouraged students to go to the football games. He wondered if he would ever let him go to one.

Just when Billie thought he was in the clear, someone cleared their throat behind him. Billie Joe stopped in his tracks and held his breath. He didn't turn around, too scared to face his predator.

"Billie Joe, isn't it? What are you doing coming in late without a pass?" they asked.

Billie closed his eyes and slowly turned around. His backpack suddenly felt much heavier as his heart raced. Sweat started to form on his brow.

When Billie finally built up the courage to open his eyes, he was met with the kind, gray eyes of the school librarian. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concern as she waited for Billie Joe's answer.

Billie didn't respond. He didn't even shrug.

"Are you going to give me an answer Mr. Armstrong?" the librarian asked again.

Billie Joe just watched her. He didn't know what to do. He hadn't talked in so long, so he didn't know what kind of answer to give her.

"I think we're going to need to speak to the principle about this, Billie Joe. You know the rules," she said shamefully.

Billie could tell that she didn't want to send him to the office. He wondered if he had been able to say something, anything, if she would give him a second chance and let him fly by to second period.

"Come with me," she said softly.

When she laid a gentle hand on Billie Joe's shoulder to lead the way, Billie winced and pulled away hissing in pain. The librarian had grabbed his shoulder where multiple bruises were hidden under his baggy shirt.

The librarian pulled her hand away quickly after she noticed Billie's discomfort. She was confused to say the least. Billie Joe closed his eyes tightly as he tried not to poke at his injured shoulder.

"Goodness, Billie Joe! Are you alright?" she asked with her hand over her chest.

Billie didn't respond, only breathed heavily at the pain that a gentle touch had caused him. He opened his eyes and tried to act like nothing happened, but that scene wasn't going to slip by the librarian.

While Billie Joe started to collect himself, his sleeve started to slip down his shoulder. The librarian's eyes widened as she was met by dozens of purple and black bruises and cuts on Billie's shoulder.

She gasped and put a hand over her mouth. Billie Joe noticed her doing this and trailed his gazed to were her eyes laid. He saw that she was looking at his beat up shoulder. He quickly got back to his senses to cover up the obvious injury.

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