Meeting A Gentleman

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So its a Friday in like, late July. Im home alone because my mom is at work. So that means watching movies all day long, i decided Star Wars because its interesting. I just started watching the whole series, as there is one coming out soon, and ive watched three so far. Okay, three to go Taylor! A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of The Jedi. I chose those because it has my favorite character in them, Han Solo. Anyways, so Im watching those until my mom gets home from work, she works at Best Buy by the way. When she gets home she usually wants to talk about her day, then cook, then relax because tomorrow is usually cleaning the house day. Yay. But i enjoy my days when im home alone so i dont have to do anything. Sometimes i go to my grandparents house.
(Skipping ahead)
"Okay, thats the end of the last Star Wars movie i needed to watch, mom should be home at any sec-."
A car pulls up into the driveway. From the back door, crashes in Nicole with a lunch box and keys in her hands.
"Hey mom, how was work?" I say.
"Oh, hi honey, it was a better day." She says as she places everything down and plops down on the couch sighing.
"Thats good. Whats for dinner, we should start thinking about it now."
"Oh, i forgot to tell you..." She goes. I look at her curiously.
"What?" I say raising an eyebrow.
"Im going out with a couple of friends tonight, dont worry its just dinner. But im not going to be home until like 8:30 or 9 o'clock so, your on your own then." She confesses
"Okay, which friends?" I ask
"Um, Carry and Lina. Thats it, nothing huge, just girls night out thats all."
"Okay, what time are you leaving, its 5 now." I ask
"Six, so i have to get ready, make yourself a grilled cheese or something." She insists
"Ill make a bagel."
"Thats not a dinner!" She says walking to her closet.
"Well, thats what i want since im going solo tonight."
"Fine." She walks out with a black dress in her hands, walking towards the bathroom. "Im taking a shower and then leaving." She yells from the bathroom.
"Okay, but what about makeup and jewlery?" I ask while yelling so she can hear me.
"Well, that too!"
I watch Impractical Jokers while she gets ready. A little while later, i hear her shuffling around for her necklace. She comes out of the bathroom, looking nice. While im still in pajamas. "Okay, i have to go, call me if you need anything, ill be back in a couple hours or so."
"Okay." I say going back to the tv, now taking a bite from my bagel. She leaves out the back door and i hear her car turn on and she backs out of the driveway.
Im driving to The Cracker Barrel and there is a lot of traffic, figures. I pull into a parking spot in my Toyota Corolla next to a Charger and a Tundra. I walk in and i spot Carry and Lina easily at a table near a window. They are talking to eachother so they dont even know im here yet. I walk over and sit down.
"Hey guys! Long time no see, huh?" I say excitedly.
"Oh my god, yeah its been forever Nicole! Whats new?" Lina says
"Well, actually nothing. Im still the same me from the last time we've seen eachother."
"Oh come on, there has to be SOMETHING going on? No new men yet?" Carry asks not believing me.
"No, if there was i would tell you." I say assuring them.
"What!? Nobody? Nicole, you need to find someone, like, ASAP!" Lina goes.
"Listen, Im fine, dont worry about me and my personal life."
"Ok fine we will stop, hows Taylor doing?" Carry asks.
"Shes fine, right now shes on the couch, in her PJ's, watching tv and eating a bagel."
"Sounds fun, i love lazy days." Lina says.
A little while later they are eating and talking about work and etc. At the next table there is a man, he is taller than Nicole but not tall. He has nice brown eyes, muscular, short and fluffy looking dark brown hair, and he is wearing a nice suit. He is at a two person table, but its only him. He is gazing at Nicole as she talks to her friends. He takes a last sip of his drink, stands up and walks over to where Nicole is sitting.
"Um, hello, i couldnt help but notice that..that, that your very pretty." The man says nervously talking to Nicole. Nicole blushes, her friends whispering for her to say something back. She looks back up to where the man is standing.
"Why, thank you, your not too bad looking yourself. Mr, uh, sorry, i never caught your name." Nicole says to the man.
"Oh, my apologies." The man says. "Robert." He continues. "Robert Downey. And you my dear, would be called..." He waits for Nicole to answer.
"Nicole... Nicole Prap." She says kind of mocking Robert. He gives her a sweet smile that says come and join me. Nicole looking back at her friends as they mouth all kinds of words. She only catches them mouthing to stand up and leave with him. So then she looks back at Robert, stands up and walks to Roberts table.
"So, you from around here? Or like visiting or what?" He asks looking at her with the brown orbs of his.
"I do live here in L.A. Do you?" Nicole asks him with a little smile on her face.
"Im also from here, but not around this area. Im about 20 minutes away from here." Robert says resting his chin on his hand and his elbow on the table.
"Nice, do you have any kids? I have a daughter named Taylor. Shes my everything."
"I dont have kids. But i have always thought of having them." Robert says looking down at Nicole's hand and sees her wedding ring. "Oh, i had no idea that you were married."
"Oh, i..uh, i was, my husband past about a year ago, i just keep the rings on because i dont think im fully ready to move on." Nicole says making their atmosphere a little uncomfortable.
"Oh, im so sorry to hear that." Robert says trying to show sympathy. He rips a piece of paper he found in his wallet and writes something on it, then hands it to Nicole. "My number, call anytime, i would love to see you again. But i have to go before it gets too late." Robert says standing up from his seat and pushing the chair in.
"Okay, and oh wait before you go..." Nicole says shuffling around for a piece of paper in her purse, then writes a number on hers as well. "Here take mine as well, im pretty much free to talk all the time except Wednesday to Friday mornings." Nicole says handing the paper to Robert.
"Are you free, tomorrow night?" Robert asks.
"Yes i am." Nicole says.
"How about you come to my place tomorrow night for a dinner, ill make whatever you desire." Robert says holding out a hand for a handshake.
"Sounds great, text me what time and your address." She takes his hand, instead of Robert giving a handshake, he pulls her in quickly and gives her a hug instead.
"Text me what you would like." He says as they still hug for a bit longer. They brake off and Robert, still holding Nicole's hand, gives it a soft kiss. Then they walk to their cars and leave to go home for the night.


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