After School

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The afternoon announcements finish up, and i pack up and go to Roberts room. He is on the phone when i walk in so i just set my stuff down and sit in his chair. He hangs up and looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "What?" I ask.
"You tackled your favorite teacher today??" He asked. Oh god, here we go.
"It was an accident and Mr. Palmer knows that!!! I even got him ice!!" I say defensively. Robert gives me a grin.
"I know, im just messing with you."
"Is that who you were talking to on the phone?" I ask.
"No, that was Mr. Stark. Mr. Palmer came in my room while you were at P.E." He says.
"Oh, so what did Mr. Stark have to say?" I ask. He sighs a little.
"When you have time, he wants to talk to you. I dont know why, he wont tell me. Did you get in trouble in his class or something?" He asks.
"No, not that i know of at least." Thats weird, why would he need to talk to me? I think to myself. "Im going to see how Mr. Palmer is doing, then ill go talk to Mr. Stark."
"Okay, be back here when we have to go."
"Alright i will." I say, then i walk out and walk to Henrys room. I knock on the open door. He signals me to come in.
"Hi Taylor, whats up?" He asked.
"I was wondering how your arm was."
"Its better, but it still hurts a little." He says rubbing his bruised arm.
"So now your telling everyone i tackled you huh?" I ask.
"No, i told Robert that you ran into me, because he pointed out my bruised arm. I didnt tell anyone else yet."
"Oh, well i walked into his room and he said, 'so, i hear you tackled a teacher.'"
"Hes just messing with you."
"Okay, i have to go talk to Mr. Stark so see you tomorrow!" He raises an eyebrow.
"I dont know, he called Robert. Nobody knows what he wants to talk about." I say.
"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow then." I walk out and head to Mr. Starks room. It would be much easier to say his first name, but i dont know what it is so. I reach his room, and the door is closed. I knock and hear him say "Come in!" I walk in and he is sitting at his desk, his eyes glued to the computer.
"You wanted to talk to me?" He nods and faces me now. He had glasses on, the he quickly took them off and is now holding them, his elbows on his desk.
"Its about your journal entry today..." Oh god, here we go... I think to myself. "What you write, it kind of, described me.." He said. My eyes widen.
"Um, honestly, Mr." He cuts me off.
"Tony." He says.
"What?" I ask.
"Call me Tony when we are not in class."
"Okay, um, honestly, Tony, my journal entry described many people." I said, he could tell im now uncomfortable.
"You wrote more than what you shared to the class..." He says, did he seriously read my journal!? I thought to myself. "And i think that you were describing me... Is that true?" He asks leaning over his desk. Okay, now im the most uncomfortable ive ever been in my life. "Taylor?" He asks. I dont know how to answer, because he wont believe me if i said no.
"Uh.." Thats all i manage to say. He raises an eyebrow.
"In your journal, you said that you like guys with short, dark brown hair..." He points to his hair. "Tall, but not too tall.." He stands up, so i can see how tall he is. "A tiny bit of facial hair..." He points to his chin. "A little to very muscular..." He starts flexing his biceps. "And pretty much my personality..." He finishes. Im so uncomfortable and nervous right now, that i wouldnt care if i got shot, anything to escape this. "So, can you answer my question? Were you writing about me?" He asks once more.
"Not specifically, just maybe your type.." I spit out. He nods in understanding. I look at the time, and its almost time to go, thank god! "Well, i have to go or else ill have to take the after school bus so... See you tomorrow i guess." I say super nervously.
"See you tomorrow, Taylor." He says softly. Okay, i officially am going to hate ELA for the rest of the year. I walk out of his room and to Roberts. I see he is talking to Henry.
"Hey Taylor, how was your talk?" Henry asked.
"Umm..." I feel too uncomfortable to tell my favorite teacher the truth. Ill tell Robert in the car. "It went okay. It was just about some work i need to improve on, but its no big deal." I say, its a little obvious that im nervous and uncomfortable. They finish up their conversation and Henry leaves. Me and Robert get into the car and start driving.
"So, you want to tell me the truth?" He asked.
"Okay, i walked into ELA today and the journal entry topic was to write about what you like in a person. He said to me after school that he thinks that i wrote about him.." I say.
"Well, did you?" He asks, kind of ignoring my point.
"No, maybe his type, but not specifically him.." I say.
"Okay, i honestly wouldve done the same thing."
"Yeah, but now its going to be so awkward in his class for the rest of the year so..." I said.
"You didnt want to talk about this in front of Henry, why?" He asked.
"Because i didnt want to make him feel uncomfortable. Plus, i dont want to tell everyone that a teacher thought that i like him, rumors spread and it would be embarrassing..." I say, he nods and its silent the rest of the way home.
Im sorry that i havent been talking about Nicole and Robert throughout the past chapters. I promise that within the next couple of chapters Nicole will be on a date with Robert or something like that. Anyways, so things are finally getting weird at school. What would you do if your teacher did that? Comment opinions!!!

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