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I wake up and see Robert sleeping peacefully next to me. I get up slowly, trying not to wake him, then i go to the bathroom. I realized that we, you know, last night, so i do a test. And i almost cant believe it, im pregnant! Oh my god, wait, how am i going to tell Taylor? My excitement dials down as im thinking about everything. Its not that im upset about being pregnant, im fine about that. Its just telling everyone that will be hard, some more than others. I walk back into my bedroom and i see Robert is awake. "Good morning, beautiful." He says with a sleepy voice.
"Good morning, handsome." Alright, now to tell him, i hope this goes well. "Robert, i need to tell you something important." His smile kind of fades, not a good sign.
"What is it, Nikki?" He asked concerned.
"Well, i dont know how to really say this, im a little nervous for your reaction..." He raises an eyebrow.
"You can tell me anything. I want you to know that." He says, wrapping one of his arms around my waist. I give him a smile and sigh a little.
"Robert, im pregnant." I see his eyes widen, uh oh.... Then after a minute, he smiles.
"I cant believe that im having a child with the woman i love, Nikki, this is great! Im happy!" Phew! Im sooo relieved right now.
"Me too! Its just, i need to tell Taylor..." He pecks me on the lips and brings me into a hug.
"Want to tell her together?"
"I dont know, i dont want her to freak out on you then change her mind about accepting you..."
"Dont worry, even if she does, she will have to accept me, because we make eachother happy, right?"
"Right, im just worried...."
"Dont be, ill take you two out to breakfast, then we will get back here and talk about it, okay?" I nod, then we both get dressed and wait for Taylor to wake up.
I wake up when i hear the tv on in the living room, why do they wake up so early!? Then i look at my clock, oh, its 10:00.... I guess i should wake up. I walk out of my room and see what they are watching. Ugh, the news, boring! "Morning." I say, they both look at me, i dont think they knew i woke up.
"Morning, sweetie!" My mom says in a excited voice, too excited for morning, perhaps. Whatever.
"Good morning, Tay." Robert says, smiling. They are both acting a little strange to me... Again, i dont care right now. I go to walk to the kitchen when my mom stops me.
"Dont eat, we are going out for breakfast, get dressed." Okay... We NEVER go out for breakfast, like, never.
"Um, okay... We usually never go out for breakfast..."
"Robert is taking us out, be grateful." She says defensively. Geez, i was just saying its a little peculiar because we never go out for breakfast.
"Alright, it was just a little surprise to me, thats all. Calm down!" I now say defensively. Then i walk to my room and pick out weekend clothes, bright orange athletic shorts, with a black "The Walking Dead" tshirt. I just brush my hair, put no effort in brushing my teeth, then stand in the living room, signaling that im ready. We walk out to Roberts car, and drive to one of my favorite diners, its called Redwood. They have the best omelettes! We sit at a table and get our drinks. I got the usual chocolate milk, mom got orange juice, and Robert got coffee. Then we order our food, i got my cheese omelette, with bacon, toast, and homefries. Mom gets sunny side up eggs, with bacon and toast. Robert gets pancakes with homefries. We eat with barely any conversation, then Robert pays and we leave.
We get home and they sit on the couch, they look very tense, uh oh. They both look at me with a serious face, then they signal me to sit. I dont like the look of this. "Taylor, me and Nikki have to tell you something, please dont freak out..." My eyes widen, why would i freak out!?
"Uhm, okay, but im scared about what your going to tell me..." I say, barely keeping eye contact.
"Taylor," My mom says, "i, uh, wow this is hard to say..."
"What, mom?"
"Tay, im pregnant!" She says fast, almost too fast to process. Wait, shes what!? Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit!!!!!!
"W-what!? Your freaking what now!?!?!?" I say, maybe a little too harsh.
"Taylor, please calm down..." Robert comes in.
"CALM DOWN!?!?!? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN I JUST FOUND OUT THAT YOU GOT MY MOM PREGNANT!?!?!? I say really harshly now, this time i dont feel bad for being harsh.
"TAYLOR!!!!" My mom yells at me.
"I cant believe i trusted you..." I say with a death look towards Robert, then i storm off to my room, slamming it behind me, and locking it. I get my Ipod, my earbuds, and listen to my music, sneaking out of my window, and i run to the cemetery. I dont care if i get in trouble for sneaking out, i need to be with my dad after what i just heard.
Im so sorry guys, i cant just keave this story off without some drama! I get it if you guys are pissed. But i promise, it will get better. And after a couple more chapters, im gonna finish the book so hang in there!! Thanks guys, dont be too mad at me!!!

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