When It All Goes Down

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So i guess we are taking Nikkis car, also since im blocked in, and i get to meet her daughter. So i must be doing okay if she wants me to meet her family, right? Even though its been, what, like two days of even knowing eachother? It doesnt matter, we just get into her car and drive for a couple. Im in the passenger seat and i cant take my eyes off her. She looks at me for a second when she notices im staring, then back on the road. "Is there something on my face?" She asks with a grin, but her eyes still focused on the road ahead of her.
"Um, no..." I say snapping out of her gaze. "Its just, your beautiful, and i cant help but stare..." She chuckles.
"You think im beautiful?" She asks looking back at me for a moment, then back at the road.
"Of course, i wouldnt lie about something like that." I say trying to be nice. Then we pull into her driveway. Her house is decent sized, has flowers in the front, and a tiny porch.
"This is it." She says now looking right into my eyes. "I hope shes not in her PJ's." I chuckle a little.
"I wont mind if she is. Lazy days were awesome when i was her age." I say. Then we get out of the car and walk into the house. There is her daughter im guessing sitting on the couch wearing kakis and a striped polo shirt.
"Taylor, this is Rob. Rob, my daughter, Taylor." Nicole introduces. I stick out my hand for a handshake, Taylor nervously shaking it, giving me an untrustful look.
"Nice to meet you Taylor." I say.
"Yeah..." Taylor says looking at me suspiciously. "Mom, as nice as this was, im going to go to my room."
"Why do you need to go to your room?" Nicole asks Taylor with a little firm tone, i like it. Wait what? Ugh Robert why?
"I dont need to, i want to." Taylor snaps back. Im just awkwardly standing there, should i do something?
"Taylor, be nice, Rob doesnt bite." Nicole says defending me.
"I didnt want to say this in front of him, but i have no choice. Mom, i dont trust him." Taylor says kind of calmly. Then i realize what she just said, and now i actually come into the conversation.
"You dont trust me!? We just freaking met! Whats there not to trust!?" I yell, offended.
"Exactly, we all just met, we dont know you so, thats why i dont trust you." Taylor says giving me a death look.
"Taylor, how could yo-" Taylor cuts Nicole off.
"Because you falling for someone you just met, which isnt like you mom! You changed quickly and i barely know you anymore!" Taylor yells then runs to her room and slams the door behind her, then i hear it lock. After a minute, i see Nicole start to tear up a little. I wrap my arms around her, to comfort her.
"Nikki..." I say softly. She looks up to me. Then sniffs.
"Yes, Robert?" She says, she didnt call me by my nickname, so she definitely is upset.
"Its okay, she just needs to adjust, shes been through a lot. With her past, its hard seeing her mother with someone else." I say trying to make her feel better. Her crying dies down a little.
"But, its been a year since it happened, its not like i immediately got over her father and went to the first guy i saw who looked cute. I gave us both time..." She stuffs her head into my shoulder. Then i take her over to sit on the couch.
"I think i should let just you two work it out before i come back..." I insist. She looks up from my shoulder.
"What? Shes not going to talk to me until tomorrow at some point. And plus, we took my car, how are you going to get home without me driving you, then driving all the way back here?" She says worried. "You mind as well stay the night, i cant believe i didnt think of taking our own cars." I look at her an smile a little.
"Its not all you fault, i should have thought of that too. And its okay, ill just sleep on the couch." I say calmly.
"What?! The couch? No im not making you sleep on the couch! You can just sleep in my bed." She says, im shocked because she said that.
"Um, in your bed? I dont know...." I say rubbing my hand on the back of my neck nervously.
"Oh come on, nothings going to happen, i swear, its a good size bed, we dont even have to touch eachother." She convinces me. I hesitate the offer, then finally give in.
"Okay, fine. But im warning you, i usually only sleep in my underwear.." I say, only a little flirting just to make her cheer up a little. She looks at me with a plain face.
"Okay, thats fine, i dont mind." She then grins, "I usually only sleep in my underwear and bra too so.." She says taking my hand and showing me the bedroom. We both get undressed, leaving our underclothes on, and climb into bed. "Goodnight, Rob." She says with a gentle voice. I smile a little, even though she cant see.
"Goodnight, Nikki." I say in a soft voice, then drift off to sleep.
I wake up from a terrible end of the night. I walk into the kitchen, to make myself some cereal. Then i hear a low voice talking, coming from my moms room. Then i hear her voice respond. Then i think, oh god, they f*cking slept together! Before my mom walks in i lean against the counter, with my arms crossed, and i make sure she'll notice im angry. She walks in, surprised to see me up this early. "Morning sweetie." She says innocently. "Its 7:30, your up early." She continues.
"Where is he?" I ask angrily.
"Wheres who, honey?" She asks innocently.
"You know damn well who im talking about!" I yell.
"Taylor calm do-" i interrupt her.
"You freaking slept with him! After you've just met him, and you go and sleep with him! After i didnt trust him and told you that you shouldnt either, but you still went and slept with him anyways!" I yell.
"Taylor! I didnt sleep with Rob. Well, i mean-" i cut her off again.
"What? What do you mean, you two only played around, but nothing went too far? Huh? Is that what your trying to tell me!?"
"Taylor! We didnt have f*cking sex, okay!?" She screams, i get confused. Also because she never swears at me. "We went to sleep in my bed. We didnt do anything, i promise! He just spent the night here, because he was worried about me and you."
"Worried about me!?" I say letting out a sarcastic laugh. "No, only about you, because he wants you, and he will eventually get you, take advantage of you, then leave you with a broken heart when he realizes that you love him and he doesnt love you back!" I say, but then realizing it was very harsh and i see my mom start to cry, then run back to her room to where he is. I let out a sigh, then just let her be. Why did Rob show up and have to mess around with my life?

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