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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. I hit my alarm clock so it will stop. I get up and look at the time, 5:30 am. Ugh, i get up and go to my dresser and find an outfit. I unplug my phone and tablet from the chargers, and i walk to the bathroom. I set my clothes on the hamper, and walk to the kitchen and make a bagel. I sit and watch tv as i eat breakfast, then i go to the bathroom and get ready. I get dressed, i brush my hair, teeth, wash my face, put deodorant on, and go into the kitchen and make my lunch. Now im ready for high school, i just need to wait for the stupid bus.
I arrive at school and go to my assigned homeroom, it only has a number on the door so i dont know who the teacher is yet. (Like i would know anyways) about half the seats in the room are filled and then someone familiar walks in. They must be the teacher. Then when i actually realize who they are, i bury my head in my hands.
"Class, settle down, we are still waiting on some students to arrive." The teacher says. "Young lady, you alright?" I pick my head up so im looking at the teacher, then i see that he is looking at me. "Oh, hello Taylor. Funny seeing you here." He says, i roll my eyes.
"What should i call you? I cant call you by your first name. And if i knew you worked here, you couldve saved me from the bus and brought me yourself." I tell him. I see the class is confused that we know eachother.
"Class, im Mr. Downey. This is Taylor Prap, and she is a friend of mine." He says looking away from me and turning his attention to the rest of the class.
"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Downey, but, i never knew that you were a teacher." I say. He just nods.
"Anyways, class this is your homeroom for the rest of the year, im going to pass out your schedules." He says, he stands up and starts going around the room. He hands me mine.
Homeroom- Downey
First Period- Art- Holmes
Second Period- ELA- Stark
Third Period- Science- Downey
Fourth Period- Study Hall- Downey
Fifth Period- Lunch- No Teacher
Sixth Period- Social Studies- Palmer
Seventh Period- Drama- Highman
Eighth Period- Italian- Wright
Ninth Period- P.E.- Dark
Tenth Period- After School Detention- Any Teacher
So thats my schedule. And my teachers are surprisingly all men, which is weird. In elementary school, there were no men, in middle school only a couple of men, now all men. The worst part is that i have to see my moms boyfriend more than she does. Yay. The first bell to go to first period rings, everyone runs out of the classroom, and i get pulled back. "I can give you a ride home, but you will have to stay later." Mr. Downey says. I nod and he lets me go. At least i have art to look forward to. My best friend isnt in my homeroom, but i see her walking into the art room and i get exited.
"Taylor! Sit your ass down next to me!" She whispers, but loud enough so i can hear.
"Hey, who do you have for a homeroom teacher?" I ask her.
"I have Mr. Wright, the Italian teacher, even though im not taking Italian." She explains. "Who do you have?"
"Guess." I say, she gives me a confused look. I sigh. "My mothers boyfriend is my homeroom teacher..." Her confused look turns into a devious smile.
"He works here?! Whats his last name, maybe i have him for a subject." She asks excitedly.
"Mr. Downey. I have him for homeroom, science, and study hall. Yay for me." I say sarcastically as she shuffles around in her backpack for her schedule.
"When do you have science and study hall?" She asks me. I look at my schedule.
"Um, third period science, fourth period study hall." I say hoping she will be in those classes with me.
"I sadly dont have science with you, but we are in study hall together so that should be fun!" She says.
"Yeah, what else do you have, and what times?" I ask. She gives me her schedule so i can compare.
Homeroom- Wright
First Period- Art- Holmes
Second Period- Science- Downey
Third Period- Latin- Sweeney
Fourth Period- Study Hall- Downey
Fifth Period- Lunch- No Teachers
Sixth Period- Social Studies- Palmer
Seventh Period- Drama- Highman
Eighth Period- ELA- Stark
Ninth Period- P.E.- Dark
Tenth Period- After School Detention- Any Teacher
We have a good amount of classes together. So thats good, we start asking questions about eachothers homeroom teachers before art starts. We hear a man clear his throat. "Welcome to ninth grade art! Im your teacher, Mr. Holmes and i want this class to be fun, i dont like punishing people for behavior or lack of effort...." He goes on with his introduction. Then the bell rings and i go to my next class, ELA. I like ELA only for the writing, because i dont like reading. I walk in and see another one of my friends telling me to sit next to them, her name is Ellie. She is kind of short, has black, wavy long hair, not bad looking at all, and very enthusiastic. I sit next to her and talk for a little bit. The second bell hasnt rung yet but i see a man in the corner of my eye, watching us. It must be Mr. Stark, then he walks over to me and Ellie.
"Hello ladys, im Mr. Stark, you must be Taylor and Ellie." He says, how does he know our names already? I ask myself.
"Yeah... How did you know?" I ask confused. He raises an eyebrow. Ill give him credit for his cute facial hair.
"I just know, also im good friends with Mr. Downey." He says. Robert must tell his friends about me and my mom, makes more sense, and i feel more comfortable knowing that he isnt a stalker. Then the second bell rings. "Excuse me, i have to teach a class." He walks to his desk as everyone sits in a seat. This class goes by quickly, especially since im not paying attention at all. I head over to science, this should be very annoying. Im the first one us the room, figures.
"Hey Taylor, hows your day going so far?" Robert, i mean, Mr. Downey asks.
"Boring, i just want study hall to come. I met your friend Stark. At first i thought he was a stalker." I say joking. He chuckles a little.
"He has that approach sometimes, but hes cool. Anyways, i hope you know study hall has an introduction too." I roll my eyes.
"Great, cant wait." I say sarcastically. He gives me a grin. Then students come in and take a seat. None of my friends are in this class so, i already pretty much hate it.
Science ends and i just wait for Aaron to come into study hall. She comes in and sits next to me and we talk until class starts. "Students, if you havent already met me, im Mr. Downey, and this is study hall. Im not strict, ill let you go places, as long as you have a pass. If you wander the halls like your not supposed to, then ill get a little more strict, its that simple. Ill let you sit anywhere, if you disrupt people working, ill move you, once again, simple. So my suggestion is, stay on my good side. You may get organized and come to my desk if you need me." He says. "Oh, also, if your gonna talk, keep it at a whisper. Thank you." he continues. So for the rest of study hall, me and Aaron whisper to eachother. Then the bell for lunch rings, everyone runs out because its the best time of day. Me and Aaron walk together and grab our lunches. Soon after, Ellie joins us and we eat and talk and fool around. Then the bell rings and a flood of students fill the hallway. Me and Aaron put away our lunches, and go to social studies. Ellie doesnt have many classes with either of us. We walk in, and since we walk fast, we are the first two people in the room besides Mr. Palmer.
"Hello, whats your names?" Mr. Palmer says as he stands up from his chair.
"Im Taylor, and this is Aaron." I introduce. He nods.
"Nice to meet you girls. Im Mr. Palmer if you dont already know. We do have assigned seats, i think i put you two next to eachother though. Me and Aaron smile as he walks over to his desk and looks at the seating chart. "Last names are Prap and Ackerman right?" Mr. Palmer asks. We nod. He shows us where we sit, the very front, near his desk, yay. "I hope you dont mind being in the front..." He says, then students start pouring into the classroom as the second bell rings. He gives assigned seats and does an introduction, his reminds me of Mr. Downeys introduction. Anyways, we dont learn anything and the bell rings, me and Aaron walk to drama class together. And once again, we are the first two besides the freaking teacher!
"Hello, im Mr. Highman. Welcome to drama class. Please sit anywhere." He says. Me and Aaron pick seats in the middle of the room. "So what are your names?" Mr. Highman asks.
"Im Aaron and this is Taylor." Aaron says, im surprised, i usually do the talking. Mr. Highman nods.
"You two like to act or more independent people?" He asks.
"I like to act, i want to become an actress when i grow up." I say.
"Im more independent. I like to draw, but i want to become an illusionist so this is a great class to practice self esteem in front of an audience." Aaron says. Mr. Highman nods.
"Cool, i think you two will enjoy my class. We go to the stage a lot and act for some classes or teachers, and sometimes the whole grade." He says, my heart sinks. I dont want to act in front of the whole grade! I think thats too much!
"Dont worry, we dont act in front of everyone until later in the year, like more near spring or early summer time." He says, i calm down a tiny bit now. The second bell rings, this is a small class, thats good though. "Hello, class, im Mr. Highman and this is drama. We do written work, and hands on work. We also watch some movies. Any of you who want to be somekind of actor or be on broadway, this is the class to take. We practice acting, singing, dancing, and even just being in front of an audience. You can sit wherever, as long as your not disruptive. Im not too strict..." He goes on and on, i didnt think it would end until the bell rings. Me and Aaron go different ways. Im a little excited for Italian, it sounds fun to learn. I walk in and i see Ellie telling me to sit next to her again. So i sit next to her and i hear a voice that surprises me.
"Ciao!" Mr. Wright says loudly. I jump in my seat and i hear Ellie chuckle. Mr. Wright raises an eyebrow, i have no idea what he said. "Ciao means hello in Italian by the way."
"Oh! I had no clue what you yelled at me for a second." I realize. I make him laugh. "Im Taylor."
"Im Mr. Wright, the teacher. And you will have an opportunity to change your name next class." He says. I get excited because i need something other than Taylor.
"Awesome! Sounds like ill like this class!" I say excitedly. Mr. Wright smiles at me, Ellie is giving me a confused look.
"I hope you do, i wouldve chose latin but, i though Italian sounds better to learn. Plus i like Italy. Why did you choose Itaian, Taylor?" He asks, he probably doesnt even know that Ellie is here too.
"I chose Italian because i like the movie, Only You. Plus it sounds fun and i can speak to people and they wont know what im saying." I explain. He chuckles.
"Well, class is about to start, so ill talk to you later Taylor." He says while walking away to his desk.
Italian is over and i got to P.E. I sit next to Aaron on the bleachers and we wait for class to start. The second bell rings and we hear a man yelling. "Alright, settle down! Welcome to P.E. Im Mr. Dark, or Coach Dark, whichever one works best for you, i dont care. What you need is a set of gym clothes, girls, athletic shorts, sweatpants, and a tshirt. Boys, same thing. We will go swimming, so bathing suit when we do. I expect you to put in effort, and listen to my instructions. We will play games at the end of class, but our workout is first...." Coach Dark continues until class pretty much ends. I say bye to Aaron as she goes to her bus and i walk to Roberts room. Im only taking his offer because i despise the bus. Plus its an excuse for him to see my mom i guess.
"Hey Taylor, i dont leave until 3 so get comfy." He says, i place my backpack down on a desk and sit in his chair while he is on the phone with a teacher. He hangs up after a couple of "okays". "Lets take a walk." He says. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Um, okay.." I get up and follow him down the hall, at first im thinking we are going to Mr. Starks room, but we stop at Mr. Palmers door instead. He knocks on the door frame and Mr. Palmer looks at us, away from his papers.
"Oh, hey Mr. Downey. I see you have brought a student." Mr. Palmer says.
"Its okay Henry, you can call my by my name, Taylor is my girlfriends daughter." Robert says.
"Oh really? Hm, i wouldve never guessed." Mr. Palmer says. He signals us to come in.
"Why are we here?" I whisper to Robert.
"I heard you liked social studies. Plus he called me and needed something." Robert says.
"Oh okay. And who told you that?" I ask, still whispering. He points to Mr. Palmer. I roll my eyes. Teachers think they have everything all figured out. Robert sits where Aaron usually does, and i sit in my seat.
"You like that sea, huh?" Mr. Palmer asks me. I roll my eyes and nod slowly. Him and Robert talk about adult things i dont care about for awhile, Mr. Palmer or Henry, asks me a couple questions here and there as well. Then me and Robert leave.

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