Early Dinner Plans

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I wake up and smell toast coming from the kitchen. I get up, try to wake up a little, but its useless without any coffee. I walk to the kitchen and Taylor is leaning against the counter, waiting for her toast to pop up. I walk over to the coffee machine to make some coffee. "Good morning sweetie." I say with my morning voice.
"Good morning mom, howd you sleep?" Taylor asks.
"Okay, i went to sleep later than expected." I confess.
"Oh yeah, why is that?"
"No reason." I lied to Taylor.
"Hm, i think your lying." Taylor said with a smirk. "Thinking about him is what i think that kept you up..."
"Maybe, we were texting for a little while." I finally confessed.
"I was on the right track." Taylor says happily knowing she was right. BEEP.....BEEP......BEEP. The coffee is done, thank god! I pour a cup and sip in little amounts because its hot.
"So your on your own from 3:30 to whenever." I say out of the blue.
"I thought it was dinner. Not half the day." Taylor says as she gets the toast from the toaster and spreads peanut butter on it, then taking a bite.
"Dont judge me." I say defensively. Taylor gives me a smirk and the walks to the living room, turning the tv on and watching cartoons. After a couple minutes, i decide to join her.
My alarm beeps super loud as i jump and hit it until it turns off. I lay in bed for a minute longer until i realize that im hungry. I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I take a good look in the mirror and see that my hair is going every which way. Yikes. I walk out of the bathroom and get a cup of coffee and turn on the news. Once i finish my coffee i jump into the shower. Hey, i got a date later, i wanna look decent. As i dry off, i multitask while brushing my teeth. I pick out a nice white collared shirt, a blue tie with black stripes, and a pair of black trousers. Once my clothes are on i roll up my sleeves, so they stop just after my elbows. I then walk out of my house to my Chrysler 300 and drive to the store.
I got what i needed to make dinner from the store. Its now noon so i decide to have a quick lunch. I just get some bread and some peanut butter and jelly, spread them on the bread quickly to make a sandwich. I watch tv until about 3:15 and then i walk into the bathroom, making sure i look good and then walk outside, picking a rose from my garden and holding it in my hands.
Its about 1 o'clock and im trying to pick out an outfit. Ugh, why is this so hard!? I just pick out an ocean blue blouse, and some dress pants. I dont want to wear a dress two days in a row so. I choose a silver necklace, nothing too fancy, and like three Alex and Ani bracelets. I think earrings are too much. I grab a pair of plain black sandals. Okay, not too bad Nicole. Then i walk to where Taylor is. She looks at my then back to the tv, then at my again with eyes wide.
"Geez mom, as in dinner at his house, i didnt think you had to dress fancy!" Taylor says shocked about my clothing choice.
"Taylor, honey, its a date, im not going to go to a date in a tshirt and some jeans. I want to look nice. I bet Robert looks nice too." I explain.
"Okay, i guess your right." Taylor says.
I sit on the couch next to Taylor and watch tv with her until i have to leave.
Now its about 3:20, then i see a Corolla pull up. I stand up with the rose behind my back and walk over to the car. Nicole gets out and i hand her the rose.
"For you." I say as she takes the flower.
"Why thank you." Nicole says sniffing the rose.
"Anything for you, come inside." I insist.
"Okay." Nicole says holding the rose still and walking beside me into the house. I give her a short tour and we stop in the living room. We both sit next to eachother on my couch and i grab a remote for my speaker and turn on some music. Its sings,
Cause its time, its time in time
With your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use
As i sing along with the song like a doof, it makes Nicole smile and chuckle a little. So i take her hands and i stand up, taking her with me and start dancing while i also sing along. Then the song ends and we both sit down on the couch again and i turn the speaker off.
"You have a very nice voice Robert." Nicole compliments.
"Thanks. Im sure your voice is as pretty as an angels." I say while blushing because of her compliment.
"I also like that tie, i like regular ties better on guys than bow ties." Nicole says holding my tie.
"Really? Ill keep that in mind if i ever think of buying any bow ties." I say sarcastically. She releases my tie. I stand up realizing that i need to make dinner.
"Well, ill be back, i should start to make the chicken parm." I say walking slowly to the kitchen.
"Okay." Nicole says, following me into the kitchen. "Anything i can help with?"
"Um, i dont think so, i wouldnt let you help anyways, im making the dinner for you." I say with a grin.
"Okay then. I just wanted to help." Nicole says leaning on the counter standing next to me.
"You can watch tv if you want, i should be done with this soon." I say turning to look at her.
"Nah, im good. I watch tv all the time. Oh and i never said that you have a lovely house." She compliments.
"Thanks, its too big though." I say, my eyes returning to the food im preparing.
"Its too big? Why is that?" Nicole asks concerned.
"Maybe because i have no one else to share it with..." I say giving her a little hint. But then i realize that i dont want to rush, she may not even like me yet. Damn it.
I just about finish preparing and i actually start cooking it. After i put it in the oven, i quickly grab Nicoles hand and bring her into the living room. We enter the living room and i pick her up and carry her to the couch. She laughing so hard i can tell shes having trouble breathing. I sit on the couch, she is still in my arms and laughing. All i do is smile and look at her. Her laughing dies down and she looks at me too.
"So why dont you have anyone to share the house with?" She finally asks.
"I havent met the right person yet, i guess." I say, still looking into her eyes. Im surprised she hasnt realized that shes still in my arms. Or maybe she has and she doesnt want me to let her go. I dont know, i cant tell, she can be mysterious. I space out, but i think she said something.
"Robert?!" She asks. "You there?"
"Im sorry, i spaced out. Im here now." I apologize. Damn it Robert get it together!
"Your funny." She says.
"How? Im just being myself. And i think nervous is the word, im nervous." I say. Why did i say that!? Ugh. She starts to laugh again.
"Rob, dont be nervous. Its only me." She says. Wait, did she just call me Rob? How do i respond to that?
"Um, Rob, huh?" I say mischievously. With one of my eyebrows raised.
"Yeah, its a nickname, havent you heard of those before?" She says sarcastically.
"Of course i have, Nikki." I say with a grin on my face now.
"So your Rob and im Nikki?" Nicole says wondering. I shrug my shoulders.
"Yeah, why not?" I say.
"Well then Rob," i look at her hoping she will finish her sentence. "If you like your nickname, then prove it.." I look at her weirdly.
"Prove it? How?" I ask concerned and confused. Then before i know it, she grabs my tie, pulls me in and kisses me. My eyes widen for a second and then i kiss back. We wrap our arms around eachother and keep kissing. I think i like Nicole, i mean like, like a lot. We finally stop.
"Woah." I say, still kind of in the moment.
"Im sorry, its been so long...." She apologizes.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"My husband died about a year ago, and i havent been with a man since, until you came in." She explains.
"So i must be special then, huh?" I say being full of myself.
"Your something alright. I just dont know what yet i guess." She says smiling, like she flirted.
"Im human, so now you know." I say sarcastically. Then i get up to go check on the chicken. "Im going to check on the chicken quick. So dont go anywhere."
"No promises." She says giving me a devious look. I walk out and check on the chicken, not done. Thank god. I go back in the living room, shes not there. Im so confused, where did she go in like, two seconds? I thought. Then the speaker turns on, i jump because it surprised me and looked for the remote. Gone. Okay, so she must have it. I walk up to it and turn it off that way. "Nicole...." I say.
"Thats not what your supposed to call be Rob." She says softly from the next room as she emphasizes "Rob".
"Ok, Nikki....." I say softly, matching her tone.
"Yes Rob?" She whispers right behind me and i turn around quickly and grab her hand before she gets away. I pull her in close.
"I was supposed to be the one to kiss you first, so you ruined it." I say making a childish pouting face.
"Well im sorry that i wanted to be the one who kisses first." Nicole says with sarcasm. Then it gets quiet, but not awkwardly. We both lean in a little closer until..... BEEP BEEP BEEP. Damn oven went off. I release her and take the chicken out. A couple minutes later we are sitting in the dining room with a plate of chicken parm in front of us.
"I hope you like it, i tried to make it the best ive ever made any meal before." I say kind of flirting. Then we both start eating.
"I think, its delicious, better than any restaurant even." She says.
"Why thank you, nobodys ever complimented my cooking." I say.
"Well i meant what i said." She says. We continue eating and talking about life or what we didnt know about eachother. Soon enough we both finished dinner and i cleaned up a bit. Its about 6 o'clock and i take some ice cream out of the freezer.
"Like either, chocolate peanut butter cup or mint chocolate chip?" I asked her holding both typed in either hand.
"I like both, but i like chocolate peanut butter cup more than mint chocolate chip." Nicole says. I nod and take out a bowl and scoop some ice cream in. I put mint chocolate chip back in the freezer and left out the peanut butter. I grabbed two spoons and put one in the bowl. I took a chair and dragged it so im next to her, then i set the bowl down inbetween us.
"Wheres your ice cream?" She asked concerned. I show her the other spoon and put it in the bowl too.
"I thought we could.....share?" I said waiting how she will respond. At first she had a serious look, so i said to myself oh shit i messed up. Then she smiled.
"Okay." She said, then she started to eat, and i followed after her. "Chocolate peanut butter cup is my favorite ice cream by the way." She said breaking the silence.
"Im glad i picked it out then. I like it, its not my favorite though." I said.
"Oh really, then whats your favorite?" She asked wanting to know the answer.
"Its actually mint chocolate chip."
"Why didnt you have that?" She asked
"Because i wanted to be romantic...." I said hoping she wouldnt think thats weird. After i said that she smiled. A couple minutes later we finished the ice cream and went back into the living room. Before she sat down i grabbed her hand again and pulled her close to me.
"Rob, what are you doing?" She asked, but not trying to escape.
"Finishing what we started before an appliance interrupted us." I said then i leaned in and kissed her this time. She kissed back after realizing. After a minute we stopped. "Now we are even." I said. She laughed and we both sat on the couch.
"Rob, do you want to meet my daughter?" She asked me.
"Yeah, why wouldnt i?" I asked
"Well, you could meet her tonight if you would like...."
"Okay, and i would also see your house."
"Let me text her quick."

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