What Were You Thinking!?

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After i dropped Robert off from our date, i yelled at Taylor. I cant believe that she would spy on me. I hope Robert still wants to go out. Ill text him later to see how he is doing, i just need to cool off from Taylor stalking. We arrived home and Taylor ran inside and went straight to her room. I did the same, but i didnt run. I heard talking come from her room, Aaron must have still been there, because i heard our front door close. I laid in bed, my head buried in my pillow for a couple minutes. Then i got a text. I looked at my phone to see it.
Im sorry about what happened, i hope we can still go out. Maybe not anytime soon because of Taylor, but i would like to see you again.
I smiled when i saw that, then i started typing.
Its okay, next time we do go out, im bringing Taylor to her grandparents house. Unless her friend Aaron wants her to sleep over, if so ill text you.
A minute after that sent my phone buzzed.
Okay, im free pretty much every night. Hey, do you like to swim by any chance?
I like swimming if the water is like 80 degrees or above. I get cold easily.
Next date, come to my house, i have a heated pool. Swimming is my favorite thing to do in the summer. We just need a day.
Well, if Taylor doesnt get a sleep over plan, then best days for me are Friday or Saturday.
Okay, lets say Friday for now, if not, then Saturday. I would like to see you as soon as possible. Or else ill miss you too much.
Aww thats sweet! I already miss you though. Ill contact my mother in law to see if she can take Taylor. Which means ill also have to tell her why...
I missed you when i walked in my house before you left. And okay, leave out the last part, that would be awkward..
Okay, and i guess you won the "missing you" game. So i have to text her, so be right back.
I texted Taylors grandma and it went smoothly. Now to tell Taylor, yay. I walk out of my room and knocked on Taylors door. She answered with a little attitude. "What?" She asked like i woke her up.
"Friday night your going to grandmas for a sleep over." I said, predicting how Taylor will react. She nodded and went back into her room. Okay..... I went back to my room and texted Robert until we fell asleep.
Its already Friday. Taylor hasnt really come out of her room. I walk into her room and she was just watching tv on her bed. "Did you pack for grandmas?" I asked. She just shook her head. "Well then go pack right now! Hurry up i have to be somewhere!" I said annoyed. She got up slowly, turned her tv off and picked out random clothes and put them in a backpack. Ive never seen Taylor like this, is this a phase or, i have no clue. She held up the backpack with a smirk.
"There, im packed now." She said, once again, with attitude.
"Okay, now lets go. We are going to be late!" I say clapping my hands. She walked past me with the backpack on only one of her shoulders.
"You mean, your going to be late!" She said still walking towards the car. We got in and i drove her to her grandparents house. She went inside without acknowledging me whatsoever. What did i do? Why is she so mad at me? What was she thinking about that made her this way? I thought to myself. Then i started to head to Roberts house.
I take out my swim suit that i havent used in a month. I turned the pool heater on hoping it will be okay for Nicole to swim in. I get my swim suit on and find a shirt to put on while i wait. I step outside standing on my porch with my hands in my pockets. I see her car pull up, she doesnt look too happy. Uh oh, what happened? I thought to myself. She gets out, kind of slamming the door, gets a bag from the back of her car and slams that door too. "Hey." I said giving her a confused look. She didnt say anything, she just walked up to me, put her bag down next to me, and gave me a hug. "You alright?" I asked in her shoulder. I could feel her nod her head against mine.
"Taylors just acting weird. I dont remember pissing her off. So i dont know what is going on with her." She says breaking off the hug. I gave her a weak smile and we walked into my house. We sit down on my couch.
"You wanna talk about it?" I ask giving her my full attention. She shakes her head.
"No, i want to forget about it. Its time for me to have fun for once. I havent had fun since her father, and then i met you." She said looking at me. I gave her a smile and a hug.
"Do you want to go swimming then? I heated up the pool for you, i think its about 85 degrees." I said, because i really wanted to go swimming, and i hate swimming alone so.
"Okay, let me get into my bathing suit. Where should i change?" She asked. I got up and walked toward the bathroom, then pointed towards it. She walked and before she could pass me, i grabbed her hand and pulled her close, giving her a kiss. She kissed back after realizing what was happening. Then i let her go and get into her swim suit.
"Ill be by the pool when you come out! You know where to go!?" I yelled through the door.
"Okay, i know how to get to your backyard!" She yelled back. I walked away, i went outside and took my shirt off and sat in a chair beside the inground pool. A couple minutes later she came out, her bathing suit was a two piece, but it covered her stomach. And the bottoms were shorts instead of a bikini bottom. I stand up taking my sunglasses off and setting them on a table. She walked towards me, i then picked her up and jumped into the pool, taking her with me. We came up to the surface and she hit me on the arm. "That was mean!" She said as we both laughed. I just smiled at her. Then i saw that she was looking at my torso. I crossed my arms and gave her a grin.
"Staring is a toll of one kiss, on the lips." I said as she snaps out of her day dream. She looked at me and smiled.
"Okay, then i should stare all the time..." She said, then she came over to me and we kissed. As we were kissing, i picked her up again and swung her around like she was my kid. Then we stopped kissing and she was yelling whoo! Like a kid.
"You better hold your breath." I said before throwing her in. As she was under water, i dunked my head in and swam behind her so she would see me when she popped up. She reached the surface taking a breath. I came up and stood behind her trying to be quiet. Then i wrapped my arms around her waist and i felt her jump a little. I held her close. "Im sorry, did i scare you?" I asked in a soft voice. She turned around, i was still holding her. She put her hands on my chest.
"No you didnt scare me, you just surprised me. Like this." Then she shoved me into the water after she said that. I came up and kind of pounced on her, holding her tight.
"I cant believe you did that! Now ill have to get you back." I said resting my head on her shoulder.
"But, you got me twice, we arent even yet. I still need to push you in one more time, so that wouldnt be fair.." She says.
"Why does it have to be fair when its fun?" I ask. She shook her head, trying to escape my grip. I then held her closer instead of letting her go.
"Hey! Let me go!" She said laughing.
"Give me one good reason why i should." I said. Then i was kissing her neck softly. She stopped trying to pull away. I stopped and looked at her waiting for an answer. "Whats the reason?" I repeat.
"Because i said so." She used that expression.
"You still want me to let you go? If so, give me a better reason." I said raising an eyebrow. She sighed.
"Let me go, because i love you." She said. I was confused.
"Because you love me?" I asked and she nodded. "But, if you love me then you wouldnt want me to let you go. Right?"
"Or maybe, i gave you a crappy reason so you wont let me go.." I see what she did there.
A couple minutes later, we dried off and went inside. We both got into comfy clothes. I was wearing grey sweatpants and a black tshirt. She was wearing pink fuzzy pants with black squares on them and a black shirt that said "Aero" in pink. Even though its summer, i had the air conditioning on so it was chilly in my house. We sat close next to eachother on my couch watching tv. I reached my arm across the back of her neck, resting it on the shoulder farthest from me. She rested her head on my shoulder, and i kissed the top of her head. Then she wrapped her arms around my torso, pulling me in closer. She looked up and leaned in closer, we kissed. I pushed her lightly down on the couch, so that im on top of her. We were still kissing and then i was taking her shirt off, before i felt a hand on my wrist, which stopped me. "Im sorry, i promised Taylor i would take it slow, and i dont think im ready..." She said. I nodded and got off of her.
"Dont be sorry, it was my fault. So im sorry." It then got a little awkward. Robert, what were you thinking? I thought to myself, then i saw she fell asleep, and i did too.

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