Chapter 14- Rumours

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May's P.O.V
I have band practice today, hopefully Andy will let me go. I got ready for the day, and ate my breakfast. I was about to leave until Andy stopped me.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Band practice." I answered.
"Text me when you're done." He said and I walked out the door.
I was simply walking down the street when someone obviously recognised me.
"Oh my god, are you May from Suicide Circus?" She squealed.
I didn't say anything and kept walking.
"Oh my god you are! Guys look!" She had a group of friends with her.
Boys and girls. They all came running up to me and I was surrounded by them. They all came at me at once and pulled at my hood and clothes. I heard a camera go off and I pulled my hood up and ran through the crowd.
"Get her!" A manly voice commanded,
As I ran down the road, clutching onto my shirt, into the arena, a group of bodyguards blocked the door.
"Thanks!" I breathed and went to the stage.
"Hey, anyone got a spare shirt?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?" Ember answered.
I showed her that they had ripped my shirt.
"What happened?!" Celestia asked.
"A group of fans went after me." I explained.
She frowned.
"Hey, our albums finished!" Emmie came out.
Ember passed my a BVB T-Shirt and I put it on quickly.
"Nice!" Riot exclaimed.
Our songs were on there.
"So how many people are coming tonight?" I asked.
"The tickets are sold out, our manager's pleased, so we're okay." Emmie replied.
"That's awesome." I nodded.
We all nodded and we went to our instruments and started our first song, Demon Spirit. In the middle of singing it my throat burned and I tried to continue but I couldn't.
"Fuck." My voice was hoarse.
"May, are you okay?" Riot looked worried.
"My fucking throat." I complained in a horribly raspy voice.
"Shit, I don't think you can sing with that." Riot cursed.
My throat was on fire.
"Why'd you stop?" Our manager asked.
"My fu-" I clenched my throat in pain.
Why tonight?
"Well somebody's got to sing." He said.
"I will." We all looked at Ember.
"You sure you don't mind?" Riot asked.
"Yeah." Ember went to the mic.
Celestia replaced her as the drummer and I went backstage and went on Instagram to see tons of photos of the same thing. My eyes widened as I looked in the Internet to see articles of it. Luckily, my name wasn't said, but there was an uproar about Andy Sixx returning. But there was another article that was worse
May from Suicide Circus's identity revealed.
Shit. I was panicking a lot.
"We'll sort this out May." Mike, our manager, reassured me.
"Thanks." I said in a raspy voice.
I decided to read some articles when a Twitter notification popped up.
Vic Fuentes tagged you in a tweet.
Vic Fuentes?! Oh my god, I didn't know he followed me. I went on Twitter and looked at the post when my heart stopped. He had tagged Andy and me on the viral photo. The post read:
@andybvb? Have an explanation? How about you @may_suicide?
Crap. Vic just made it a million times worse. A notification popped up to notify me that Andy had commented on the post:
To be honest Vic, I'm pretty sure this is fake. Andy Sixx is not back and May's at band practice.
Thank god. But Vic had replied:
Have you seen the video? I'm pretty sure that it's not fake. It was taken while @may_suicide was walking to the arena. What do you have to say about that @andybvb?
There's a video?! Oh crap. They're gonna force me on the stage and-
"May, I'll be back. I have a meeting." Mike said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"S-sure." I stuttered.
Mike's P.O.V
As I watched the video, I smiled to myself. I had asked some fans to ambush her so we can all know what her identity is. While I was scrolling through the tweets, I got a text off Jon, the BVB manager.
Jon- Come over to the recording studio, we need to sort out this rumour before someone gets hurt.
I got ready to go and told May where I was going.
Ember's P.O.V
The intro started to Demon Spirit, but everyone one stopped when the whole crowd booed. I looked at everyone and they nodded at me. They were chanting for May.
"Hey come on, it's not all about May!" I said into the mic.
Everyone went silent.
"Then tell us where she is at least." Someone said.
"She can't sing she's backstage." I told them.
"Is she really related to Andy?!" Someone frantically asked.
"No." I plainly said.
The crowd just went silent and we sang Demon Spirit.
May's P.O.V
Wish I could be there to sing for you guys. I'll see you at the meet and greet, that's if anyone actually wants to meet us. Also the rumours are fake so ignore them please.
I watched as the likes came bursting in and smiled. It feels good to know there's people out there who admire you. To know that even if life starts bad, it can start again good. I know I sound like a bitch saying that I love to be admired, but I don't mean it in a bitchy way. I mean it as there's people who want to become like us, and we as a band have given them inspiration. It's just nice to know I'm useful for a change. I feel so bad that I can't sing for the fans but I promised them I'll see them at meet and greet. I'll apologise again there.
"Hey May you need to come with me." Mike came into the bathroom.
I looked at him with pure shock.
"I'm sorry I had to come in." He apologised.
I just waved my hand as a sign of forgiveness. I followed him out the back door and into his car.
"I'll be back for the meet and greet right?" I asked.
"Hopefully." He said.
We pulled up at the doctors.
"What are we doing?" I asked again.
"We're doing a DNA test with you and Andy." And my whole body froze at those words.
"What?!" I exclaimed.
"You either do it, or the bands going down." He smirked.

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