Chapter 21- Parents

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May's P.O.V
"Hey raven." Johnnie greeted. "Andy wants you home."
I thanked him and quickly used his shower. After I had changed and got ready, we shared one last kiss as I walked home. Johnnie went to band practice. I got home and walked in. It was 1:30pm (oops) and at the table was my mum and dad. I kinda flinched at the sight but they didn't seem to notice me. Me and Andy locked eyes and he motioned for me to pull my hood up. I did as I was told.
"Hey May, foods ready." I sat down.
"Well you must be May. Nice to meet you!" Amy said.
I just nodded. Chris waved. I looked at Andy again and he nodded reassuring me. As we ate, I just looked at my left ring finger. When me and Andy were young, we used to paint the fingernail red. He did it right and I did my left. I don't know if he still does it, but I do. I didn't want to talk so I just sat there, on my phone.
"May, can I talk to you? In private." Andy asked.
I nodded and he muttered something to his mum and I followed him to my room.
"Why did you run from the hospital?!" He asked.
"Well, I don't really know...." I admitted.
He just sighed.
"I was so worried." He hugged me.
I hugged back.
"What about mum and dad?" I asked.
"Mom." He corrected. "And I don't know. I'll figure something out. They think you're dead." My heart froze at those words.
"R-right." I stuttered.
He broke the hug and we went back down stairs.
"Hey! What you talking about?" Mom asked.
"Just concert stuff." Andy lied.
"Yeah," She muttered the next part. "Lovebirds."
Me and Andy looked at each other and mentally cringed.
"No mom, just no." Andy sighed. "I have a girlfriend. You know that."
"Yeah, I have a boyfriend." I blurted out.
"Who?" Andy looked concerned.
"Um, Johnnie." I was trying to look like I was lying to Andy.
His eyes showed realisation and he knew I was lying.
"I knew a boy called Johnnie. God knows what happened to him." She looked a little iffy.
"You okay?" Dad asked 'Mom'.
"Yeah." She sighed.
I looked at Andy.
"I'll sort it out." He whispered.
"Mom? Dad? There's something you should know..." He trailed off.
"What?" They said in unison.
"Well...." He paused. "You're probably going to be shocked."
"Andy just get on with it." Dad barked.
"Uh, this is May..." Andy trailed off.
"So?" Mom sighed.
"How does the name May relate to you?" Mom froze .
"Andy..." She scowled
"Well-" my new ringtone interrupted him.
She's an American beauty,
I'm an American psycho!
She's an American beauty,
I'm an American,
I'm an American,
American psycho!
Woah Woah Woah!
I answered the phone, only it for to be taken from my grip by Andy and he ended the call.
"As I was saying-" Mom interrupted him.
"Are you even American?" She asked.
"Yes, I am." I answered.
"You don't sound it." She said.
"I lived in the UK for 8 years, and Johnnie's British af." I said.
"So tell me, what's Johnnie's last name?" She asked.
"Sykes." I accidentally blurted out, causing a look of shock to appear on her face.
"Can I meet him?" She questioned.
"Um," I looked at Andy. "No."
"Okay." She sighed. "What were you saying Andy?"
"Mom," He paused. "Tell me, what shirt am I wearing?"
"A batman one?" She replied.
"What shirt is May wearing?" He asked.
"A Joker one?" She was confused.
"How tall am I?" He questioned.
"6"4." She answered.
"How tall is May?" He asked.
"Um, about 6"4." She estimated.
"What colour is my right ring fingernail?" He questioned.
"Red." She answered.
"What colour is May's left ring fingernail?" He asked.
"Red..." She said, looking at my fingernail.
"See the connection?" He asked.
"Are you two BFF's?" She asked, cocking her head.
"For fucks sake, it's May. As in May Lyric Denise Biersack!" He barked.
Mom froze completely.
"N-no, you're lying..." She breathed.
"Andy, this is not a time to joke around." Dad warned.
"I'm not, dad!" He shouted.
"Don't use tone with me Andrew!" He hissed.
"You know, it's kinda hot in here so don't mind me." I said casually, taking off my jacket.
Mom and dad weren't paying attention.
"Hello?" I said, getting their attention.
They gaped at me.
"N-no, you're meant to be dead..." Mom gasped.
"Thanks." I grumbled.
"Sorry." She choked out in between tears.
My phone went off again. I looked at Andy and he shook his head. Mom and dad came up to me and hugged me.
"We missed you baby girl." She weeped.
We all joined for a group hug.
"Andy dear we must be off. Goodbye and goodluck." They gave me one last hug and left.
"Two down, one to go." Andy smirked.
"One?" I asked.
"Your fans?" He gave me a 'duh' look.
"Yeah, my fans." I rolled my eyes.

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