Chapter 18- May Lyric Denise Biersack

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May's P.O.V
"Bye love." Johnnie kissed the top of my head.
"Bye." I smiled and walked home with Johnnie's jacket.
When I got to the front door I heard a bark and sighed. Andy answered with an annoyed look.
"Where were you?" He asked.
"Johnnie's." I replied and I felt teeth bite my leg.
I sighed again.
"His name is Daredevil, he's blind." He introduced me to the Yorkie.
I just shrugged and took my jacket off and left it on the coat rack.
"Um?" Andy said.
"Just because I took off the jacket, doesn't mean I'm going to show you my face." I hissed.
"Hey, about the DNA te-" I interrupted him.
"Do I really give a shit?" I growled.
"Ma -" He started
"Y Lyric Denise Biersack, yea I know." I scowled.
"What?" Wait he doesn't know?
I just ran up the stairs and into my room, leaving him dumbfounded.
Andy's P.O.V
Did she just say-?! I'm so confused. The doctor told us we had to wait till today for the results. I heard the post come through the mail thing. I picked up the letters and saw one from the doctors. It was the results. I'll leave that for dinner. There was also one from the orphanage, the one that confirms that we are no longer in custody of Grace. They found her grandparents and she's living with them now. I walked to the kitchen and starting cooking the chicken. While I was messing around on my phone, May's phone went off. It was in the jacket, and it was blasting the most absurd lyrics. She ran down the stairs and I looked at her angrily. She just ran back upstairs. I felt a small scrape against my leg.
"Hey Daredevil." I smiled and got his toy for him to play with.
The chicken finished cooking and prepared food.
"Food!" I yelled and Juliet came down.
"May!" I called.
"I'm fine. Save it for later or something." She said back.
"Get down, now!" I shouted.
"Unless Pokémon's real or Bring Me The Horizon's at the front door, I'm staying here." She shouted back.
"Get down or no music for a week." She came bounding down the stairs and Juliet laughed.
"Sit." I demanded.
We all sat down and ate.
"The results came today." I said.
"You are the father." May joked.
"Shut up." I hissed.
She held in a laugh and I sighed. I opened the envelope and there was all the crap things in there, then the result paper. My eyes widened at the results. I looked at May, and I presumed she was looking at me.
"Um, it says," I paused. "Positive."
"Andy, you're pregnant! Who's the father? Ashley?" May mocked.
"Fuck off!" I snapped.
"Sorry, God." She mumbled.
"What do you mean, positive?" Juliet asked.
"Juliet, this is my sister, May Lyric Denise Biersack." I introduced her.
I looked at her seat, only to see she was gone. I sighed and asked Juliet to go find her.
"No Andy, she's your sister. Go on, sort things out between you." She replied.
I nodded and went to check her bedroom.
May's P.O.V
I went to the bathroom and got the razor and cut. It was obvious he didn't want to see me again. I put the razor against my skin when the door burst open.
"May?!" Andy exclaimed.
"I-it's not w-what it looks l-like!" I stuttered, letting the razor drop to the floor.
He harshly grabbed my wrists and examined the cuts.
"Why the fuck would you do that?!" He shouted, making me flinch."You could've died!"
He kept shouting at me.
"Why would you care if I died?! You would've loved me to of died 11 years ago!" I screamed at him, causing him to stop shouting.
"Why'd you cut?" He asked.
"Because of you!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.
"I-I'm sorry." He admitted and did something he hasn't done for a long time.
He hugged me, and kept muttering the same phrase:
"I'm sorry."
As I just stood there, him hugging me, I realised the cuts.
"A-Andy. I'm feeling a bit dizzy." I stuttered.
"Y-yeah." He mumbled and cleaned up my cuts.
He had been crying.
He then pulled down my hood and he looked at me.
"Wow, we really do almost look the same. Except for the fact my Andy Sixx hair is gone." He chuckled.
I smiled.
"Come on. Let's go watch a movie." And for the rest of the night we watched movies, played video games and ended up sleeping downstairs.
Juliet's P.O.V
I went to see where Andy was only to see him sleeping on the couch next to May. You can really tell they're related.
I took a photo and posted it with the caption:
Sibling hugs! @andybvb @may_suicide
I went back to bed and slept
May's P.O.V
I woke up from a nightmare.
"You okay, May?" Andy asked.
"Y-yeah, just a dream." I mumbled.
He comforted me and I fell back asleep.

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