Chapter 2

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Louis looked around the shop seeing the waiting customers so he quickly shoved Harry's journal into the large pocket of the apron that hung loosely around his hips. He kept telling himself that he kept it instead of turning it in to the lost and found box on the front counter because this was obviously important to Harry and it shouldn't be left in a box with old dirty sweatshirts and empty wallets. But really, deep down Louis knew that he held onto it so he could be the one to return it to its owner.

As Louis cleared dishes and put in orders he constantly replayed the scenarios in his head of when Harry would return to the shop and his voice would flow smooth like honey as he thanked Louis for being his Prince Charming and returning his beloved journal to him-all these hopeful dreams either ended in a warm kiss upon the cheek or in extreme cases asking for his hand in marriage. But this wasn't any Cinderella story; this was Louis and Louis's life was the farthest thing from a fairytale.

As Louis's shift dragged on he grew more anxious by the minute. At this point he just wanted the journal gone, he was tired of his heart skipping a beat every time the door swung open; then to just be disappointed because the people walking through weren't Harry and they weren't nearly as gorgeous.

The journal burned from within Louis's apron, he could literally feel all of Harry's deepest and darkest secrets pouring out from the pages of the worn journal. Even though he knew it was just his mind playing tricks on him at one point he had to actually step back from his work just to pull out the journal, feel it beneath his fingertips, and reassure himself that there was no way a simple leather bound notebook could produce heat. Yet still it felt like dead weight hanging in his pocket.

The coffee shop closed at 5pm; due to their lack of staff they couldn't stay open much later. As 4:55 rolled around everyone had gone and Louis was left to clean up and lock up the shop himself.

He had followed his simple routine of closing up the shop. He was done in 15 minutes, promptly at 5:15 like every other night. But yet Louis lingered inside the shop for an extra 20 minutes mindlessly playing games on his phone and staring at the door anxiously hoping to see the 6'2 dreamboat of a man walk in.

At 5:35 he gave up waiting, locked all the doors to the shop, and began his trek home. Louis had to walk a little over 2 miles to make it home. It's not like he didn't have a car-he did, but he'd rather just not waste his money on gas when the walk wasn't all that bad.

Louis arrived at his flat, sighing as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. He dropped his coat onto the couch and shivered slightly before running into his room and quickly changing into an oversized jumper, sweatpants and a pair of warm socks.

Louis picked Harry's journal out of his apron that now laid in a pile of dirty clothes on his bedroom floor. He then went into his living room where he smashed himself in the corner of the sofa, pulling a blanket over himself. Louis often got cold and the fact that it was November and the heater in his crap flat had gone out didn't help the situation much.

He placed Harry's journal in the center of his lap and stared down at it. Deep down Louis knew it was wrong to snoop and he should mind his own business, but blah blah blah Louis's mom had told him the whole spiel countless times when he was a child. Louis couldn't help it though, it was in his nature to be mischievous.

Louis picked up the front cover with a gentle touch, his eyes scanning over the nearly written first entry.

Now Louis isn't a bad person for doing this, he's just... curious, at least that's what he's telling himself at the moment. There was even a brief pause before he read-brief meaning 3 minutes-in which Louis had told himself he would not open the journal.

Louis pushes his thoughts aside and contemplates wether he should begin at the beginning or if he should read Harry's entry from today.

He decided on the 1st entry, and he began to read.

August 15, 2015

I guess this will be where I write all my feelings and sorts, things that happened to me throughout the day stuff life that. This is quite awkward at the moment, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to act as if I'm writing to myself or someone else. Anyways, my mum thinks this is a good idea, she practically forced me to buy it when we were in the shop, she said it'll help me express my feelings when I have no one to talk to. I swear she thinks she's my only friend (I have like 4 other friends can't my mom just let me live). Well right now I'm just heading to get a coffee, will report later :)

I got my coffee. I also got a muffin. I guess this is the part where I express my feelings on how my day is going so far. Well, my morning was lovely; I enjoyed a long shower, had time to get the morning paper and read the comics (may I just add the jokes were superb today), I'm now enjoying my coffee and muffin as earlier stated, and to top it all off I saw a gorgeous boy. Like really gorgeous. He's so small and curvy, and I swear I think his skin glistens because of his beautiful tan and his eyes, oh. My. God. Don't even get me started on his eyes, I swear I could probably drown in them, they're prettier than any ocean I've ever seen. He really does have such a beautiful body and his cheekbones WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. I didn't get a chance to find out his name but I'm going to come back tomorrow, maybe then I'll work up the courage to speak to him.

As of now I don't see how my day can get much better so I'm going to end this entry.

All the love. H

Louis's brow furrowed and he let out a deep sigh. Well there goes all his hopes of winning over Prince Charming if Prince Charming already has his eyes on another.

Louis closed the journal and placed it onto his coffee table. He tried pushing himself farther into the sofa, pulling the blanket all the way up to his neck.

It was only 7pm but Louis didn't care he was sad and he just wanted to sleep. He couldn't even bothered to make the couple steps to his actual bed. He wanted all his lingering thoughts to go away as soon as possible. And as hard as he tried he couldn't push them out of his head, they followed him into his dreams and he tossed and turned throughout the night.

When 1am rolled around and Louis had woken up from his restless sleep for what seemed like the hundredth time he began to really regret reading the journal.

He couldn't stop thinking about as to who was this mystery person that had captured Harry's heart?

Louis thought to himself for hours, letting his mind become toxic to itself. At one point he came to the conclusion that he could never win over Harry. How was he supposed to even compare to this person that Harry had thought so highly of when he saw him for the first time?

Louis figured the answer was simple: he couldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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