Chapter 2

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Calum's p.o.v.

"Hey what are you guys doing after this?" I asked Annie and Cate.

It was Annie, Cate, Michael, Me, my mum, Michaels mum, and Annie's mum in one car.

We were in My mum's SUV and everyone else was in luke's mum's Mini Van.

"Oh look at you Cal, trying to pull all the ladies." Michael laughed.

"Not all of them... I didn't ask you." Calum retorted.

"OHH" Annie and Cate shouted, laughing at Michael.

"Oh, shut it." Michael said, turning back around.

I was sitting in the back with the girls and Michael sat in front of us next to his mum and my mum and Annie's mum sat in the front.

"You do kinda look like a girl," Annie laughed, "Maybe it's the fringe."

Michael slowly turned back around with his mouth hung open, "How dare you insult the fringe." He peered at Annie.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just pretty keen on telling the truth." Annie shrugged.

"I'll have you know that everyone loves my fringe." Michael said simply as he turned back around again.


After we all got home and unloaded the cars with all of our stuff we kind of parted into two different groups.

"I'm going Book bag shopping if you guys wanna come." Bethany suggested

"Sure, I need a new one." Annie said.

"Yeah, me too." Luke nodded.

"I already got a new book bag." Cate frowned.

"Same." Michael and I said in unison.

"Well, I haven't got one, so I'll come." Ashton smiled.

"Great." Bethany said.

Everyone took money from their parents and went out with Bethany and her mum to look at book bags.

"I guess I'm just stuck with you two losers now." Cate said once everyone was gone.

"It's okay, we're the fun ones anyway." Michael wrapped his arm around her shoulders and started leading her to his house.

"Your house it is then?" I asked, following them.

"Yeah," Michael let go of Cate and faced me, "I like it best."


Once we were there Michael and I immediately started playing FIFA and Cate just watched us and asked us what was going on the entire time.

"Do you guys do anything else?" She asked, sitting on the couch next to me while Michael sat on the opposite side.

Michael paused the game and looked over to her, "What would you like to do then?" He asked.

"Anything but this." She laid back and sighed.

"Yeah I'm getting a little bored." I said, putting down the controller.

That was a lie, who gets bored playing FIFA?

I just felt bad for Cate having to just watch us play.

"What?!" Michael said in a high pitched voice and I shrugged.

He turned off the tv and stood up.

He crossed his arms and stared at us, "Fine, what is it you both wanna do?"

"We could do a puzzle." I suggested, because it was the first thing that popped into my heard.

"A puzzle?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me like I was a mental patient, "One week before we start high school, a beautiful sunny day outside, a million things we could do, and you, Calum Hood, stop us from playing FIFA, because you want to do a puzzle?"

Cate snickered and I gulped because that was kind of a really stupid suggestion.

"I don't mind working on a puzzle." Cate smiled looking at me.

"That's it," Michael sighed, throwing his hands up into the air, "I'm the only normal one. You all have issues."


Ashton's p.o.v.

Bethany and Annie were still looking at back packs while Luke and I had already had ours picked out.

They were simple but I don't really care what type of bag I carry around on my back all year, unlike the girls.

They still haven't come close to choosing a bag.

"How about this one." I suggested, holding up this purple book bag with yellow dots on it to Annie.

"Ew no, talk about tacky." She said.

"Okay...." I mumbled, putting it back.

"Hey, this one's nice." Luke said to Bethany, showing her a black book bag.

"Mm yes, very colorful." She said sarcastically.

"Hey look at these!!!" Annie walked towards a section that had a bunch of floral Jansport bags.

"YES--- and then we could--- the purple-- and the blue-- And we can wear them like that-- PERFECT!!!! Bethany and Annie said simultaneously. It was crazy, it was like they were twins or something.

Luke and I just kind of looked at each other awkwardly because it was really weird.

We didn't question it though, at least they had finally picked something out.


Once we had gotten back home and had put our new book bags away we looked for the others to see where they were.

We couldn't fine them at first until we went to Cate's house and Cate's mum told us they were at Michael's.

We walked into his place to find them all surrounding Michael's living room table with puzzle pieces scattered around everywhere.

"What the heck are you guys doing?" Annie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh god," Michael panted, running up to us as we stood in his doorway, "I'm so happy you're finally back, I had to work on a dang puzzle with these two idiots while you were gone."

"Don't let him fool you, we played FIFA most of the time." Calum said as He and Cate walked up to join the rest of us.

"It's getting latish." Bethany said, looking outside at the sun that was going down.

"Hey girls, do you wanna stay over at my house tonight?" Annie asked and all the girls nodded.

"You guys can just stay over here if you want." Michael shrugged as he walked back into his house, all of us guys following.


The girls left shortly after that and we just sat around eating and talking about school.

"But seriously, I feel like I'm the only one excited about the girls." Michael said.

"Probably because you're all like five. You don't know the first thing about relationships." I looked over at Michael.

"Be quiet Mr. senior citizen, it's not like you've been in a lot of relationships." Michael argued.

"More than you have. And girls aren't exactly the best things ever, most of them are just annoying." I said.

"If they're anything like Annie then yeah, I guess you're right." Michael snickered.

"Hey, I like Annie." I took a pillow and whacked him with it, "and don't pretend like you aren't the closest with her out of all three of them."

"Nahhh." Michael said and everyone in the room rolled their eyes.



Isn't the longest but that's okay.

Hope you guys are liking it because it is really is fun to write :)))

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