Chapter 4: Making Plans

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(Copyright) © 2011 Candle_Ice

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 [Picture of Isla Fisher as Stella Carter at the side!] 

Chapter 4: 

Making Plans...

Stella was preparing for her meeting with ‘he who must never be named’, and couldn’t help the feeling of worry. After yesterday’s breakdown, Lynn seemed to be doing fine. She was more than prepared for her meeting with he who must never be named on Monday. Or at least that was what she convinced them of last night when they went over to her apartment to comfort her.

She wanted to believe her, but Julia was more doubtful in believing that Lynn would be alright. Sighing, Stella went over the pictures she took from yesterday’s shoot, but her mind was still reeling from this new development in their lives, or much rather, Lynn’s life.

To say that Lynn was in love with Tyler Wilson in high school would be the understatement of a millennium. Hell, they all had a crush on Tyler Wilson. But Lynn, Lynn was head over heels in love with the guy. The first time she saw Tyler, Lynn swore it was love at first sight. It was the first day of high school, and none of them had known each other as yet, but the four met and began sharing their life story as though they were friends since the dinosaurs had roamed the earth. They were chatting when Lynn just went quiet as she stared at the epitome of perfection that was Tyler Wilson. Of course they all thought she was nuts, and that she just had a crush on him like the rest of them, but Lynn swore that she loved him. And she believed that all through her high school life, until that night.

Every time Stella remembered that night, she wanted to go back to the party and just choke him until she wiped that smug look off his face. Lynn didn’t deserve that. Throughout college, she was careful and guarded. Now she dated, but it was rare, and almost never, if ever, evolved into something more. And it was all Tyler Wilson’s fault. If only they could hurt him as much as he’d hurt her- and them, because when you messed with one member of the quartet, you messed with the whole group.

Stella needed to clear her head. With all the hatred floating around her brain right now, more than likely she’ll kill him when he came for the meeting. Tyler Wilson was not worth spending the rest of her life in jail.

As though her thoughts summoned him, he appeared in her office’s door way sporting a bright and charming smile. If she didn’t know what a jerk he could be behind those pearly whites, she’d definitely fall hook, line and sinker for his dazzling smile.

Forcing herself to be civil, Stella planted the brightest fake smile she could muster without cracking her face and invited him in to have a seat, so they can begin this meeting.

Why she was meeting with him instead of his sister that was getting married? She’ll never know. It appears as if Brittany Wilson was the ever popular social butterfly and could not be bothered with ‘trivial’ meetings of planning a wedding, such as who’ll be taking out the photographs.

Stella scoffed. Right! Like tasting cake is more important than meeting with the person that’ll capture your moment in time and preserve for all of eternity, Stella thought as she listened to Tyler apologise for meeting with him instead of the actual bride and groom. What she did was the most important part of any occasion, as far as she was concerned. If not for her, how will people remember it even happened?

Telling herself to remain calm, and just grin and bear it, Stella listened as Tyler listed all of his sister’s requirements.

She could always refuse to do the event, but she needed the money if she was ever going to have a showing of her work. She honestly couldn’t wait for the day she could pick and choose her clients. Most definitely Tyler Wilson would be at the bottom of the barrel of her client list.

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