Chapter 7

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Emily made her way into the classroom. Taking the seat next to Camila, to her left.

As the teacher took role as usual, Emily slid a crumbled piece of paper into Camila's left hand. Camila looked down to her hand, and uncrumbled the piece of paper, finding Emily's phone number, with a side note that said, "Don't be shy, I don't bite, unless you want me to. Let's hang out soon, I promise you'll like it." On the side of the note, there was a kiss stain, to where she literally kissed the note with pink lipstick.

I literally gagged.

I crumbled the piece of paper back, and placed it in my backpack, afterwards I did not communicate nor make eye contact with her. Although she kept nudging my shoulder to try to get my attention.

Class was over and I sped walked to lunch, to meet up with the girls, we were all getting closer, even Lauren and I.

I sat with my food at our table, followed by Normani, Ally, and Dinah, we sat in our normal seats, waiting for Lauren and her troll to arrive.

Lauren came in about five minutes after we started eating, but not with her... girlfriend.

Lauren looked kinda down, and surprisingly she sat next to me.

She didn't say hi to any of us, she just simply walked into the cafeteria, sat next to me, and looked down into her lap the whole time, with an emotionless face.

Dinah, Ally, Normani, and myself all exchanged looks.

The other girls dismissed it, and continued eating, and made small talk.

I turned to my right, and whispered to Lauren, "Are you okay?"

She looked up at me, getting lost into my eyes, just as I was with hers.

"Come with me." I found myself telling Lauren. I honestly have no idea where that came from.

I took Lauren's wrist, and got up from my seat and headed out of the cafeteria to the restroom. Once we were out of the cafeteria doors, I guess I was walking a bit fast to the point where Lauren's wrist slipped out of my hand, only to be replaced with her hand rather than her wrist. Even though our fingers weren't interlaced, I got them again, the butterflies.

We got to the restroom, and our hands separated, I made sure no one was in the restroom. I turned to face Lauren, to find her already staring at me.

I walked closer to her, there was about a good foot in between us.

"What's wrong Lauren?" I asked her again.

She looked down at the ground, and back up to meet my eyes. "Nothing, I think it's just one of those off days when you just don't want to talk to anyone, or just be alone."

I looked down to the ground, feeling a little sad, probably because she didn't want to talk with me and be alone, but all I wanted to do at that very moment was comfort her and tell her that everything would be okay.

"Oh.. Well I'm sorry Lauren, I didn't know you wanted to be alone. I'll go back to the cafeteria, just, come back when you want, or don't, or I don't know sorry, I didn't know you wanted to be alone." I looked back down to the ground, and walked towards the restroom door.

Lauren grabbed my wrist, and pulled me towards her, wrapping me into a hug. Her arms around my waist, as mine were around her neck. Her head nuzzled into my neck, as mine laid against her head.

"Lauren, are you sure you're okay?" I asked her for reassurance.

"I'm fine.. Just, thank you for genuinely caring Camila." She said against my neck, sending chills down my spine.

I pulled my head way to get a glimpse of her face. As did she. We then looked into each others eyes once again.

"You're welcome Lolo. It might be too soon to say this, but I'll be here for you if anything, or if you're ever down, okay?" I said as I drowned in the high tides of her eyes.

"Lolo's a cute name. But not as cute as Camz."

I blushed and put my head in her shoulder.

"But thanks Camz. Same to you. You're a good friend."

Friend. Right. She's with Emily.

I pulled away from the hug, and said, "Come on let's go back to lunch, yeah?"


Lauren followed me back towards the cafeteria, as we reached our table, the girls still remained the same, yet Emily was still not there.

"Hey Camz, did you ever ask if you could come over later?" Lauren asked me as she took a fruit cup of mango out of her backpack and began eating it. I could help but stare a bit at her lips as the mango slice made contact with her plump bottom lip.

"Yeah, uh, I can go around 4:00 p.m. if that's okay?"

"Yeah Camz, that's perfect." Lauren said with a small smile, as she bought another piece of mango to her mouth.

The rest of the day went along as usual, Dinah and I got home around 3:00 p.m. and ate a snack, as I explained to Dinah why I had to go over to Lauren's due to our project.

"You sure it's just a project Mila? Sounds like a study date." She chanted me, with a wink or two.

"What is it with you and obsessing over Lauren and I, nothing is going on Dinah, it's literally just a project." I said with a straight face, but I couldn't help but get butterflies every time I said or heard Lauren's name.

"Well Mila, you should get ready for your little project date."

I rolled my eyes at her, and headed towards our room, to change into some black leggings, converse, and a sweater.

It was now 3:40 p.m. and Dinah told me she would drop me off at Lauren's house since she knew where she lived, which was only about five to six minutes away.

Of course she would want to drive me.

Dinah and I headed out towards Lauren's house, upon our arrival, Dinah stayed in the car and told me, "I don't want to get down and interrupt y'all's date, but have fun Mila! Not to much fun!" She then zoomed out of Lauren's driveway.

Little Dinah. Just wait till you pick me up.

I walked up the driveway towards Lauren's front door, it was a typical two story house, a beautiful front yard.

I rang the door bell, a couple second later, Lauren opened the door.

"Hey Camz." She smiled at me.

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