Chapter 12

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The rest of the morning went smoothly, the girls ate breakfast, talked for a while, then all went back to their houses.

Along the day Camila had still thought about Lauren, and what she was going through. Her thoughts on Emily had been accurate since the first day. Of course Camila had had those thoughts in the back of her head, but didn't exactly want to think of the situation in a bad way. Lauren's happiness was enough to keep the bad thought in the back of her head.

The following day of their get together, Lauren decided on talking to Camila, on how it'd be best to go ahead and finish the project. To be able to talk to each other about the deep stuff that they'll base on the character. Learning more about Camila was something Lauren had been looking forward to. She'd want to be able to tell anyone that she got the chance to really find out more about who Camila truly is, her true colors.

The day went on, and Camila had found her way to Lauren's house on her own, driving herself since Dinah would make a big deal out of it.

As Camila stepped onto the front porch of Lauren's house, right before Camila even had the chance to knock on the door, Lauren in a flash opened it.

"Jesus christ Lauren!"

"Sorry I was taking out the trash I didn't know you were on the porch." Lauren said as she laughed, and made her way passed Camila to put the bags in the trash bin at the front of her drive way.

Playfully rolling her eyes and laughing to herself, Camila stood still in her spot, waiting for Lauren to return to invite her in.

Once Lauren had placed the trash bags into the bin, she quickly made her way back to Camila to allow her inside, since she didn't like to casually walk in.

"You may come inside camz, and walk up to my room, I'll be there in a bit."

Camila gently nodded, and walked her way towards Lauren's room upstairs. As she walked in, she set her bag on the floor and took a seat on Lauren's bed, and fiddled with her fingers in her lap.

Not too much longer later, Lauren walked in with two water bottles, popcorn, and strawberries.

"Just in case you wanted a snack, or something while we work on this." Lauren simply stated as she took a water bottle holding it towards Camila's direction.

Camila held her hand out gratefully accepting it. "Thank you Laur."

The girls went on with discussing more on how to properly work on the project, then Camila was first to ask the question. "What is something about you, that you want to put towards the character?" Camila asked as she bought a strawberry towards her mouth.

Lauren looked away from Camila for a bit, as she shrugged her shoulders, not making direct contact with Camila.

Camila seemed to notice how hesitant Lauren was, so she got up from the bed and sitting on the other side of Lauren to get her to make eye contact.

"Hey, Laur-"

Lauren looked away once again, causing Camila to grab Lauren left cheek with her left hand, and feel the tears leaving her eyes.

As Lauren faced towards Camila, she still didn't dare to make eye contact. "I'm sorry, I usually don't cry in front of people, but.. I'm sorry, this is stupid."

"Lauren, you're crying, I'm pretty sure it's not. Don't be afraid to talk about it, I'll listen."

Lauren took a deep breath, shutting her eyes to stop the tears from falling, "I've lost so much from my life already Camila. So much, that it's crazy."

Camila nodded her head, while slowly caressing Lauren's cheek waiting for her to talk about the pain she's feeling, or the pain she's been holding all of this time.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders slightly, "I don't know, it's nothing I promise.. Sorry, let's just, well, you tell me what you want to put for the character, based off of you."

Camila decided on not to push Lauren, or make her feel as if she was getting into her business, so she simply carried on by just saying something simple, like her dreams rather than to tell her about all that happened, the whole reason she even got to meet Lauren.

"When I grow up, I'd really love to write music and play my guitar, or be a teacher for pre-schoolers." She smiled a bit, staring at the ground.

Lauren smiled at the fact how Camila had a simple dream, but could make her smile like crazy just by talking about it.

"That's great camz. I know for a fact you'll make one of those dreams a reality."

And with that, Camila had began writing part of their essay, towards their character, Rose.

Lauren had stepped in for herself, and told Camila what to write on her part.

"Can you just out for mine that I dream on one day hope to be happy, with someone who will make me happy?"

"Sure thing Lolo." Camila said as she glanced at Lauren with a small smile, then turning her vision back down to the page where she began to write Lauren's side of the character to the essay.

Later on the girls just ended up watching a movie on Lauren's laptop, both laying their backs on the headboard of Lauren's bed. Both girls were shoulder to shoulder, enjoying the free time they spend together, even the time that they spent working on school work, not that either girl is complaining.

It was a bit passed 6:00 p.m. and Camila thought it'd be best to start heading home. With that, Camila was now standing outside of Lauren's front door, being escorted to her car by Lauren.

Lauren opened Camila's door for her, happily holding the handle, waiting for Camila to get inside of her car, but Camila just seemed to stand there.

"Something wrong camz?"

Camila locked eyes with Lauren, "No, just enjoying the view."

She then made her way into the drivers seat Lauren stood there red-faced trying to act as natural as possible.

As Camila put on her seat belt, Lauren closed the door, giving Camila a final smile through the window.

"Text me when you get home so that I know that you're alive and well please." Lauren told Camila before she slowly made her way back inside of her house, peeking out of the door till Camila fully left her driveway.

Backing up, Camila waved towards Lauren once last time, before fully getting off of the property, and heading home.

Lauren slowly closed the door, with a small smile. The feeling she gets while she spends time with Camila is one of the most pleasant things to her.

With her phone in her hand, Lauren's waiting for Camila to safely get home and text her.

As Lauren reaches her room, she lays down on her bed, and places the phone next to her, while scrolling through tv shows on Netflix.

She feels a vibration from the text message notifications. Lauren's hands shake as she reads the message.

Emily : We need to talk...

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