Chapter 15

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Lauren had been in her thoughts throughout the rest of the day. She had to face the fact that eventually some day, some day close to now, Camila would get with Shawn. Not that she wanted to have to accept that.

She had been more than ready to go home as the day dragged on longer than she had felt it to be. Sitting in her last class of the day with less than five minutes of school remaining she had been staring at the window just enjoying the blissful movements of the leaves.

Being so in thought just enjoying the scenery, not even the bell had gotten her attention.

"Lauren? It's time to go, or are you staying for tutoring? Not that you need it." Her teacher had asked her as he stood beside her desk.

It was now five minutes after the final bell of the day.

She quirked an eyebrow in confusion and looked around the room, "Oh god! Sorry Mr.Lancaster!" Getting up from her seat, she made her way to the semi-crowded halls walking past faces she's only seen once or twice in coincidence around the halls.

Pushing the front door of the school open, she proceeded with walking, until she had seen Shawn holding Camila's hand walking her to her bus.

Stopping for a bit by a bench still not passing the row of busses, she sees them let go hands, and she sees the scene of Shawn depositing a kiss on Camila's cheek. Camila then stepped away from him and made eye contact with Lauren.

They stared at each other for a good five seconds, and Camila gave Lauren an embarrassed smile, only for Lauren to grab her car keys from her bag and walk to her car without smiling back.

Camila being confused, she said bye to Shawn and got on the bus taking her seat next to Dinah.


She's been sitting in her car for a good ten minutes now. Gripping the steering wheel, yet making no movement of the key towards the ignition. Lauren found herself with her head on the steering wheel still trying to get it across her mind that Camila is not into her, or girls. She's desperate to not want to feel something or any type of attraction for Camila, but she makes it so difficult. To Lauren, Camila's looks were just a bonus. What really mattered to Lauren was how down to earth Camila seemed to be, how they talked in the midst of the night, really wanting to get to know her. She had never had that kind of feeling for anyone, but with Camila, things just happened to be different.

Pulling out of the schools parking lot Lauren had finally been on her way home.

Lauren steps on the brakes, puts her car on park, and takes her key out of the ignition. After she gets inside of the house locking the door behind her, she lays down on her bed wanting to take a nap.

Until a text message vibration from her phone caught her attention.

Camila: Hey..

Lauren: Hi Camz, what's up?

Lauren sat herself up on her bed and laid her back onto the headboard of her bed in a comfortable position.

Camila: Are you mad at me?

Laying back, Lauren then furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion to herself as to why Camila happened to think that.

Lauren: Why would you think that I'm mad at you?

She sent the message, keeping the messages open with her thumbs hovering the screen awaiting for Camila's response.

She finally replied.

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