Chapter 5

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"Oh. Um, hi I'm Camila." Camila said awkwardly, playing with her own fingers.

As she was still looking at Lauren, she could see that Lauren was getting a glimpse of her facial features. But it was when Lauren, took a glimpse at Camila's lips, that Camila ended up blushing a bit, and turning around in her seat to face forward.

Lauren was just about to tap on Camila's shoulder to say sorry about that, but the teacher began again with her daily lesson, "Alright everyone.."

About a dreadful thirty minutes later.

"Okay class there's five minutes before the bell rings, so go ahead and pack your things together." The teacher said as she walked from the front of the room to her desk, directly behind her.

Camila began gathering her belongings, when she remembered that Lauren was the one who let her borrow a pen. Camila then turned around to face Lauren, who was leaning over to the side to put a folder and notebook into her backpack.

Once Lauren had finished, she sat up, only to be met with brown eyes who were watching her closely.

I don't really know what got into me, but I just happened to get so lost into Lauren's eyes that I didn't even seem to realize that she was staring at me.

"Oh.. Sorry, here's your pen." I set her pen down with my left hand. As I was about to turn around, I felt a hand grab my wrist lightly.

"Keep it." Lauren said with a soft smile.

As I looked at her eyes for a couple of seconds, I lightly nodded in agreement. "Thank you Lauren." I said as she then handed me the pen back, I was staring at her again, only to be snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang.

I turned around, got my things, and walked out of the class. Taking out my schedule, I started heading towards my second class of the day, mathematics.

About two minutes into searching for my class, a hand poked at my shoulder.

I turned, to see Austin. "Hey Camilla, you lost there?" He said with a small smirk. I gave him a questioning look, "Um, no I'm good, I'm walking to my class." I said with a small smile, I then turned on my heels, and started walking a bit faster to try to escape. It was so awkward being around him, something just didn't feel right while I talked to him.

Reaching my mathematics class, I didn't have anyone I knew in the class. I ended up sitting in the very back of the third row of desks, directly in the middle of the back.

I had empty seats on both sides of me, while I was mindlessly fidgeting with my fingers, a girl sat next to me to my left. She was pretty I guess, but not like Laur-  what am I saying? Okay. Well she was okay I guess, she has greenish brown eyes, but more brown than green, she has dirty blonde hair-

"Hey babe like what you see?" She asked with a face eating smirk. I gave her a disgusted face look, the turned my head to face the front of the class.

A couple minutes later, the teacher finally came inside of the room, and began to take role. "Jimmy Acosta? Here. Brittany Benson? Here."

"Karla C.? Sorry can't pronounce the last name." I looked up and replied, "Yes I'm here." God I hated being called Karla so bad. I was going to tell him to call me Camila, until he continued with the names.

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