Chapter 13

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Lauren sat on her bed contemplating wether to open the message or delete it. But before she could even make up her mind, her cellphone began to ring.

On the screen the caller ID read 'Emily', and Lauren wasn't too thrilled about that.

Lauren quickly pressed the decline button, sending Emily straight to voicemail.

Emily: It's about Camila.

Now it was Lauren's turn to call her.

As Emily answered, Lauren quickly and easily asked, "What's going on." With no emotion.

"Austin is trying to get with Camila and use her for, I'm not sure what."

Lauren sat straight up. "What do you mean?"

Emily wasn't so sure how to explain, "Well the person I'm.. seeing now," Lauren tightly shut her eyes upon hearing those words, "told me that one of her friends is friends with Austin, and heard about him trying to get with Camila and date her to get her into some deep shit. I'm not really sure Lauren but obviously it's not good."

"I'll look into it. Thanks, bye--"


Lauren blinked a couple of times before saying anything.

"Hello? Lauren.. You there?" Emily questioned as she waited for Lauren to answer at some point.


"I'm sorry," Lauren could sense the guilt laced into Emily's words, "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.. I was just scared on telling you I mean, I just--"

"Does she treat you nicely?"

"Y-yeah. She takes good care of me." Emily answered, a bit surprised at Lauren's question.

"That's good. I hope she makes you happy Emily. We both knew eventually the relationship would go downhill at some point right? As much as we didn't want to admit it to each other." Lauren said with a small chuckle at the end to try to ease the bit of awkwardness there was.

Emily laughed a bit at her response, which eased up the conversation, only to make both girls realize that separation was probably the best idea to come between the two of them. "You're right Lauren. Thank you for understanding. But please keep me updated on the whole Austin situation?" Emily asked more in a hopeful tone.

"Of course. And if you happen to find out anything else please let me know."

"Sure thing. I'll talk to you later Lauren. Bye."

"Bye Emily."

The call ended and Lauren had gone back to what she had been focused on before.


Lauren clicked on 'messages' and there were about five messages sent from Camila waiting to be read by Lauren.

Camila: I'm home now

Camila: Lauren where are you?

Camila: okay well I'm going to take a nap since you won't reply

Camila: and you were sooooo worried about me being safe.

Camila: liar.

Camila: okay bye... Liar.

Lauren found herself smiling at the thought of Camila actually saying these things in person. She read the messages in Camila's voice. Her fingers grazing over the keyboard on her phone until she finally responded.

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