Chapter 8

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Lauren's P.O.V.

"Hi Lolo." I heard Camila say.

"Come inside, it looks like if it's about to rain." I said as I looked up at the sky. "I'll show you around, no one's home right now, but I hope that's okay?" I awkwardly asked as Camila made her way inside of my house, as I closed the door behind her.

She looked at me with relaxed eyes, "Yeah that's okay Lo, that's better so we can talk freely about stuff for the project."

Camila seemed so relaxed, but she probably had no idea how nervous I was. Ever since Camila showed up to my school, I've been feeling and acting so awkward around her, and I get super nervous around her for some reason.

"Lauren?" I heard Camila say.

I guess I was staring at her while I was thinking.

"Sorry, I was thinking.." I casually said as I walked towards the staircase and made my way upstairs. Then I realized, Camila wasn't following me.

"Camila aren't you coming?" I asked her from the top of the staircase, while she stood by the front door.

"You have to say that it's okay for me to go up stairs, I don't want to seem rude." Camila said shyly, she then looked down at the floor.

Camila is the type of girl to have so much respect for people, and to genuinely care for everything and anything. I found myself smiling. I walked back down and stood infront of Camila.

I lifted her chin up to get her attention and bought my hand back down to my side once we made eye contact, "Camz, you can come upstairs." I said with a small smile.

She returned the smile, and said, just above a whisper, "Okay Lo."

She then shyly started following me up the stairs and into my room.

I sat on my bed while Camila stood in the middle of my room looking at the posters on my wall. "Wow Lauren, nice room." She said as she made her way to my bed and sat next to me. Our thighs were barely touching, and it sent an electric shock throughout my whole body.

Camila looked out of the window in my room and looked down into her lap playing with her fingers. I noticed that she looked a bit nervous.

"You okay Camz?"

She looked at me in the eyes and immediately back down to her lap.

"Yeah, it's just I have astraphobeia, so I hope there isn't any lighting or thunder." She said shyly.

I honesty didn't know what that meant, but once she said lighting and thunder I knew right away.

"Don't worry Camz, there's only a 47% chance of thunder tonight." I said.

We smiled at eachother then began the project. Well, talking about the event we want to include for our character.

Camila started by saying, "Let's name the character first, so we can get that out of the way." We both started thinking about girl names for our character.


A few suggestions later we both gave up, and laid on our backs on the bed, shoulders touching.

We both sighed heavily. Rain started to pour down, silently hitting my window.

I could see Camila from the corner of my eye staring at my side profile, she kept her eyes on me as she asked, "If you were a flower, what flower would you be?"

I turned to my right, which wasn't a good idea, I then saw how close Camila's face was to mine.

We laid there looking into each others eyes, getting lost for the billionth time, which never seems to grow old, as the butterflies in my stomach multiplied.

I replied just above a whisper, "Let's both say what flower we would be on the count of three."

Camila lightly nodded.

She then said, "Okay. 1.. 2.. 3.."

We both said, "Rose."

Camila smiled at me, and as did I. I then wrote down the name 'Rose' on a piece of paper. "I think we just found the name of our character." I said as I handed Camila the paper.

She bashfully smiled, "I think we did. But alright Lo, time for the moment of truth. What do you wanna put for your event."

As I was about to start to tell Camila about an event I wanted to give the character, the first strike of lightning was heard.

I then looked at Camila jump a bit, and I saw a tear silently escape her eye, as she slowly started to take deeper breaths.

"Hey it's okay don't cry." I then sat up, grabbed her wrist and made her sit up with me. "I told you I'd be there for you when you needed me, so I'm here okay no need to be scared." Camila wiped at her eyes, and smiled at me, nodding.

Another clasp of lightning was heard that even made me jump. Camila started crying a bit harder now.

I hugged her and pulled her closer to me.

She calmed down for a bit, but it was until the biggest class if thunder hit fairly close, that she jumped to the point where she ended up being in my lap.

She was straddling me, as she was cradling her head in the crook of my neck, with her arms around my shoulders, as my head laid on her shoulder, one of my arms were around her waist, holding her tightly, as I used my other hand to comb my fingers through her long brown locks of hair. I whispered into her ear telling her that it would be okay.

"Shh. It's okay Camz, I'm here for you." The thunder calmed down a bit, but Camila was still on my lap.

Not that I was complaining, but I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

"You okay Camz?"

She raised her head out of the crook of my neck and looked at me. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just, frightened by it, that's all." She said shyly, she then looked down at her hands that were placed in her lap once again.

I placed my finger under her chin and lifted it up once again. "Camz, you shouldn't be shy about this, you're to beautiful to be hiding all of the things that make you, you, and to be shy about it." I said with a smile smile.

"Thanks Lolo." She said, she bought her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug.

I placed my arms around her waist, and hugged her back.

Once our hug parted, she kissed my cheek.

I had a riot of butterflies in my stomach, and an electric shock rushing from my head to my toes.

"Thanks again Lo." She said shyly.

She then got off my lap, as we just made small talk for an hour, as it stopped raining, and Dinah picked her up.

Once Camila had left, all I could do was think about the kiss she left on my cheek.

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