Chapter Two: Fallen Kingdom

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Sapphire Nightborne

I ran past the various battles that were taking place around me, watching as friend and foe fell one by one, their glassy eyes turned to the night sky. With each cut an opponent made, blood decorated any canvas that was available to it and hence, painted all of us. It dyed our clothes, matted our hair and painted our faces, covering us till the point we were unsure if the blood belonged to us or to another who was slain.

Many tried to attack me, they lashed out with their claws and knives, I could have avenged the fallen, but I could not afford to lose the time that it would take from me, as of now, time was of the essence. I needed to get to my nephew as soon as possible, no matter what. I dodged the many attacks directed at me with the agility that my other body offered, covering more ground quicker than a human ever could.

I mentally cursed as the metallic scent of blood burned the inside of my nostrils, with my senses heightened I could smell every drop of blood that was shed, I could hear every scream my comrades made. It took all my willpower not to run to them and save them, my heart broke each time their hearts stopped.

Family, that is what we are, we are connected as one and each time one member fell the howls of the rest broke through the night sky as they too felt the same pain I did, the feeling of your heart being ripped out. Many might have shunned me and hurt me in the past, but they did not deserve this.

A growl of acknowledgement passed through my black lips as two large wolves came running to flank my sides. We ran at full-speed till we came to the gates of our last barrier against the enemy. Three of us howled as one, a howl from the stronghold gave the signal for the large door to be opened and we raced inside.

Relief was what I felt when my eyes met the sweet blue ones that I loved. My nephew ran towards me and threw his tiny arms around my large head, burying his little head in the thick fur. I glanced around the room to meet the eyes of my generals, I bowed my head to convey my thanks for bringing my nephew to Blackwater Hall, our last stronghold.

I gently pushed my nephew aside to allow me to switch back to my human body, my generals turned their eyes from my naked frame, but I did not blush or attempt to hide myself as I had become desensitized to being embarrassed when I shifted due to my training as Head Warrior Commander. We were forced to shift multiple times during training and being embarrassed by one's own body was just ridiculous. I thanked my generals as they handed me clothes and signalled them to return to the battle raging on at our doorstep, they each clasped my hand and brought their forehead to rest against mine. This was how my people said farewell to each other when they knew there was a high chance they would not come back...alive at least.

After they left my eyes found the body of my sister and thanked the Moon Goddess that they brought her here before her body had the chance to become mangled beyond recognition. I could not help but reach out to stroke her caramel hair, smiling as the memories of our childhood where we often played and braided each other's hair came flooding back.

Under normal circumstances she would have been given a grand burial where packs from all across the lands would be invited to honour her and it pained me to think that she would not be able to even receive a normal one. The least I could do now was to honour the promise that I made her.

"Sapphire, promise me that if anything were to happen to me or my husband, you will risk your life to ensure Antony's safety."

"Cordelia, we are at our strongest, who would dare challenge us."

"I am serious Sapphire, promise me that you will take Antony and run to the human settlement behind the mountains to start a new life there."

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