Chapter Thirty-One: Another Chance

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Sapphire Nightborne

The wolf despite fighting for breath tilted its head in confusion as I uttered those words. Its chest moved up and down at an increased pace as it tried to get air into its lungs, its eyes rolled back in its head before a voice caused me to stop.


It was not a shout but a command filled with authority, not as much as that of an Alpha but still that of a high ranking wolf. I watched as the wolves stopped their attacks and moved to the side to make way for whoever uttered the command. The male who emerged from the shadows was tall with a strong build, scars decorated his arms, a clear sign of a warrior. My eyes focused on the tattoo that was exposed on his upper bicep, third in command, so these men weren't the low riff-raffs I thought they were but nevertheless, I could not drop my guard. I had already seen the kind of behaviour even high-ranking wolves practiced and condoned


"State your name and pack."

His eyes were hard as he spoke with a business-like voice. This was just formalities, they were going to bring us to their Alpha no matter what I said, I had done the same thing myself in the past. I dropped the wolf from my hand who struggled to get up taking deep breaths as he went to join the rest, I did the same with the wolf under my foot. I stepped forward in front of Chloe as I looked right at the eyes of the male before me, he stared into mine as well waiting for me to break the gaze first but I did not. Breaking the gaze first would indicate weakness and fear, that was what I was taught by my father when he trained me. I nudged at Chloe who peeked past me to stare at him, it took only ten seconds before she broke the gaze.

"Chloe Alexis Black, Black Blood Pack..."

Her voice trembled as she spoke, and for good reason. At the mention of her name and pack, the wolves began to growl, hackles raised, teeth bared as they began to advance towards us again. Chloe's breathing began to quicken as her nails dug into my side, I looked straight at the male in front of me.

"Stop them now. The law states that if you find any packless wolves in your territory, you have to allow them to speak, free of personal judgement before taking them to your Alpha."

He raised an eyebrow before bringing his palm up to stop the rest, they growled in slight protest before retreating to their previous positions.

"You seem to know a lot about the law. Now it's your turn."

I wanted to snarl at his words, it brought back bad memories from my past whenever I tried to justify my action, he sounded mildly curious about my knowledge but it still reminded me of the condescending way the elders used to talk to me.

"Sapphire Ragna Nightborne, Blackwater Pack."

I saw various pairs of eyes widen as they took in my name and pack.

"Sapphire Nightborne? Daughter of Xavier Nightborne and sister of Alpha Female Cordelia Blackwater?"

I hated it when people referred to me like that, it was always, 'The previous Head Warrior Commander's youngest daughter' or 'The sister of the Blackwater Pack's Alpha Female'. It was never 'Sapphire Nightborne , the Blackwater pack's Head Warrior Commander. I was always acknowledged for who I was related to, never once because of who I was and what I had done.


His eyebrows rose again at my cold tone.

"I thought the entire pack had been wiped off."

There was a pang in my heart as he spoke those words. This statement was one that I will never get used to hearing.

"Well, it seems that it is not the case."

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