Chapter Twenty-Five: Clear Glass

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Sapphire Nightborne

All those years of hearing that we had to respect the Moon Goddess, the drilling we received, I threw them all away the second our eyes met. The wind bit at my face as I charged towards her, claws raised, so what if she had created my kind, I did not owe her anything, in fact, she owed me for the wonderful life I was given.

I prepared to pounce on her and tear her to bits when an invisible force knocked me to the side causing me to hit the hard ground. Rocks scraped against my skin as I slid and they succeeded in tearing my skin coating several blades of grass red. I keeled over and coughed as I brought a hand to my side, great, there goes a rib.

"Sapphire, you should calm down and..."

I did not let her finish what she wanted to say before charging at her again causing her to sigh as she waved her hand knocking me to the ground yet again. I ignored the sting coming from various parts of my body as I stood right back up ready to charge at her again. So what if I got hurt, I already had my bones broken numerous times so what were a few more. I lunged forward only to feel tight bindings snaking around my middle, pinning my arms to my side, holding me where I was and was pulled so taut that it bit into my skin, making it so that I could not even move an inch.

My lips curled to reveal my bared fangs as she walked up to me, she took no heed to my open warning of hostility as she just gave me a soft smile before reaching a hand to my bicep. I tried to shirk away as I under no circumstances wanted her hands on me but unfortunately the bindings did not really give me a choice.

She left her hand on the scrapes for a few seconds, I snarled even louder as my skin felt like it was burning but she just shushed me and continued to leave her hand on my wounds. After an awkward five minutes, she finally lifted her hand to show that only smooth skin remained, there was not even a faint mark. I glared at her as she scanned my body from head to toe, it was a quiet affair till she let out a sigh as her eyes reached my blood stained hands.

"You almost killed him."

It was not a question but a statement, a rather nice one if I had to be honest. The evident disapproval and disappointment dripping from her voice made the barely contained anger in me surge even more, what had been a heated furnace was now a blazing inferno.

How dare she chides me about killing when she allowed so many to needlessly die, how dare she preach to me about the value of life when she just stood by and watched her children as they were brutally slaughtered. My facial expression must have betrayed what I was feeling as she approached me with caution and raised hands.

"I am going to let you go now, Sapphire, but you have to promise me that you would not try to lunge at me or try in any form to attack me again. I am only here to talk so please let me have my say as I am sure that what I have to say is something that you would be very interested to hear. However, if you try to lunge or attack me again, I will be forced to put you in these bindings again and leave you there as I talk to you because whether you like it or not, you will hear and listen to what I have to say."

I wanted to reply to her with some choice words from my favourite and now frequently used list of expletives but decided to just nod my head, she sounded so desperate to talk to me so maybe what she had to say was worth listening to.

I rolled my shoulder and sighed in relief as the bindings that bound me slackened, another sigh involuntarily left my lips as I felt the satisfying crack that came with rotating my stiff limbs. My posture might have been relaxed but my eyes never left hers as I continued to glare at her with as much intensity as I could muster, if I could not hurt her physically then I would do it mentally in my head.

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