Chapter Twenty-Four: Flawed Judgement

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I could not help but sigh as I watched the scene unfold before. How did a love so pure change so much to become so hateful? It seemed as though I wasted my breath and power trying to get Sapphire and Damien to see reason. Small ripples formed in the water as Sapphire banged her fist against the glass, an equally loud bang startled me causing me to run my hand through the water, disrupting the horrible image in front of me. I caught sight of the figure storming in and sighed, here we go again.

"The amount of power I wasted trying to get these two the perfect life, every time I meticulously created the perfect scenario for them to fall in love, they butchered it!"

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath as my sister paced up and down pulling at her hair, it seemed as though the Goddess of Love was not much of a happy camper today, I wonder why.

"Everything had been planned out for centuries, the day they each would be born, where they would be born even to the smallest detail of what time they were born. Everything we did and planned was supposed to ensure that they would find each other and fall in love like they did centuries ago! This whole werewolf thing was just supposed to be an added bonus! What could have possibly gone wrong!"

She went around kicking furniture and having her little temper tantrum, while I took a deep breath. Take care of your younger sister, mother said, she will help you in the future mother said. Now look where we are, my children are in pain and are going to most probably kill each other.

"We even made sure that the closest descendants of Rose and Xander either got bitten by Lycans or even married Lycans, for goodness sake! Maybe something went wrong but it is nothing a little persuasion from love won't fix..."

"Enough, Cytherea! We have done enough. We planned this wrongly, we forced them together and now Sapphire is suffering, we took everything away from her and gave nothing back."

Cytherea at least had the decency to look ashamed. I gestured for her to come to my side to look at the images being shown in the water now. Sapphire was on top of Damien slashing at him with her claws, she looked more wolf than human at the moment. This is what we have made her become, we drove her to this.

"Rose was never like this..."

"We cannot expect them to be the same people they were in the past. Rose suffered tremendously during the last moments of her life, I don't think you want Sapphire to remember that."

I knew from the moment she came into this world she would be different, her birth brought joy as well as sorrow. I watched as she discovered her Lycan abilities and how her pack experimented on her to replicate her abilities for their other warriors, it pained me, but I could not interfere. However, no matter how much Sapphire denies it, there is still a part of Rose inside her. Rose had always cared for her people more than she cared for herself and so did Sapphire. I watched as she put herself in the frontline of battle when she could have stayed safely in the back, she chose to put herself in danger if it meant that the members who were pregnant or had young children did not need to fight.

I turned to my side to only realise that Cytherea was gone. I let out another sigh before walking to the library to see her pouring over records and genealogies, the various books floated around her head as she impatiently waved her hand causing them to flip through various pages before giving them a small nudge to send them back to their shelves.

Our library consisted of the records of every single one of my children, from the first Lycan to the baby just born, every single thing that happened in their lives were recorded here. Cytherea was calling book after book and sending them back after a few minutes of pouring over them.

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