Chapter Twelve: Pre-destined Souls

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Damien Black

I sprinted down the hallway as I felt her body go limp in my arms, I did not know what I was doing, my body just reacted instinctively when I went in to check on Sapphire and saw Chloe crouching over her body. I just picked her up and started to run. Chloe ran just as fast beside me, she looked more worried than I have ever seen her in a long time. Sapphire tried to speak to me, but her words were incoherent as blood gurgled in her throat. Chloe kept screaming for Sapphire to keep her eyes open.

We barged into the operating room where my pack's Chief Healer was treating a member. With one hand supporting Sapphire, I used the other to throw the patient out before placing her on the table and dragging the Chief Healer to her.

"Heal her now!"

His team and he swarmed around her. I watched as one of the healers held her head in place while the other forced a tube down her throat to prevent her from drowning in her own blood. They kept her head in an elevated position after they saw the extent of her head injury. My eyes narrowed as the Chief Healer left his place at her side and came up to me, hands wringing around each other.

"Sir, I don't even know where to start with her, moreover save her. Her body is damaged beyond repair, the humane thing to do would be to administer silver to her."

I growled as I lifted him with one hand before slamming him against the wall, his feet dangling dangerously above the ground. His team used that as encouragement to quicken their pace, frantically trying to stop the bleeding from her head injury.

"Do as I say! Remember, she dies, your whole family does as well."

With that, I threw him to the ground. He hastily picked himself up to continue his work.

I had no idea why I was acting like this. I was not supposed to care if she died or not, it was not as if I was going to accept her as my mate and live happily ever after, and yet here I was, worrying myself to death. I had just woken up from a dream where a woman told me to go to Sapphire and it was as if someone had attached strings to me like I was a puppet, forcing me to leave Karmen's side and run to where Sapphire was.

Chloe had made no move to talk to me even though she would usually never shut up when she had the chance to speak to me. She just slumped against the wall, before I had the chance to question her, the healer rushed out.

"Sir, that girl has a dented skull and is bleeding internally as well. We have tried to break her bones to jumpstart the healing process but so far, she is in an extremely critical situation."

"Do what you have to do or else!"

The healer gave a small whimper before rushing to return to the room, I turned to my sister whose eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying.

"Chloe, save your tears for something that actually matters, she is..."

I was interrupted by her laughing as if I just told her a joke.

"Something that actually matters... something that actually matters!"

She scoffed as she repeated the sentence.

"Damien, that girl in there is supposed to be the thing that matters the most to you and now she is dying in there because of you! She could have been someone who would have seen past your flaws and loved you for who you are and now, you have sent her gift wrapped with a bow to death's door!"

Her chest heaved as she shouted at me, eyes wide as she searched for any possible emotion from me.

"Chloe, how long is it going to take for you to get it into your head, mates are nothing but a weakness."

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