Chapter Eight: Removing the Blinders

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Chloe Black

I was there when they dragged the unconscious she-wolf into my brother's torture chamber, she was not the first and definitely won't be the last. I could not clearly see her face due to her dark hair acting as a veil shielding it, but her frame and Warrior's Mark told me that she was someone of high ranking.

There was nothing on her to cover her nudity, so I asked my brother if I could lend her some of my clothes. He was extremely reluctant saying that I should not waste my clothes on such a waste of space. He finally caved in when I spoke of the leering eyes of the rest of his men. She was still unconscious when I dressed her, and I wanted to wipe away the mud and blood that covered her body but my brother forbade it and made me leave the second I was able to dress her in whatever he allowed me to.

Truth be told, even though I did not know who she was and she was probably an enemy to my pack, the fact that she was able to bear that mark made me admire her as well as envy her, no woman had borne the mark in the last century and girls now were only given the basic training that would ensure that they were not liabilities during battles. I could not help but say a silent prayer for her after the door closed, leaving her to my brother's mercy.


The next few days surprised me though, I heard the crack of the whip as well as the sound of it meeting skin, but no sound followed it, except for my brother's exasperated growls. No scream was heard nor pleas for mercy, the only sound I heard from her was laughter and a few interesting words, which were unusual to the sounds I heard from the previous guest my brother allowed into the chamber.

Today, I walked down the hall where the torture chamber resided, hoping that my brother would have finally taken mercy on her and just let her be. He had her pack's land and ended their Alpha's line so why bother keeping her especially when she meant so much to his existence. I placed my ear against the room of the chamber hoping to hear something different but to my dismay, I did not.

"Why won't you just break!"

I winced but felt slightly surprised as I heard my brother yell, which was something that he had never done in those chambers, it was usually the other way around, his victim would be the one doing all the screaming and yelling. What was more surprising was that this was followed by a peal of laughter that sounded just like bells but for some reason cruel as well.

I quickly moved away from the door as I heard his footsteps move towards it, racing to the nearest corner to hide myself from him.

I winced again as I heard the door slam shut, my curiosity peaked yet again, it has been days since I last caught a glimpse of that girl and today might give me a chance to get a closer look at her as I did not hear the click of the lock this time.

"Curiosity kills the cat...well wolf, Chloe."

I thought to myself, if she managed to get out of her restraints while I was in there, I don't think she would take too kindly to my presence.

The thought gnawed at the back of my mind, but then again when was I ever going to get a chance like this again, to see the girl that some of my pack dubbed the 'Beast'. I only saw her twice, once on the battlefield and once when I changed her. This could be my only chance as the door was not locked and I did not know how much longer she would last with my brother's constant attention.

I decided I will see this 'Beast' today.

Nervousness bubbled in the pit of my stomach as I slowly opened the door, I turned around to close the door and stiffened as I heard the growls coming from behind me.

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