Chappie 21

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HeY GUyS!!!

I loved reading (nearly) all of your comments!! Made my day :DD

Really sorry about punctuation and spelling but the computer doesn't fix them and I don't have time xD

How’s my lovelies?! Thank you for all the people who took time to go and read x0HighOnLife0x 's story!! I LOVE YOU FOREVER <333 -="" 1d="">

Yay school holidays!!! Going to Chile in 2 days so I probably won't be able to update unless Bianca does ):

love yah



-Lexi's POV-

Maslinka and Niall had gone all out, they were in the kitchen making waffles, I mean, tonnes of waffles. They were screaming and laughing, probably getting the mixture everywhere.

I was lying on the couch, my head in Harry's lap. Wait, let me rephrase that. I was lying on the couch, my head in my boyfriend's lap. He was flicking through the TV channels, settling on the movie - The Polar Express.

"I've watched this movie EVERY Christmas!" I half complained.

"Well so have I, and it's still a Christmas favourite!" Harry smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes and stared at the screen, not really paying much attention to the movie. Harry was rubbing circles into my arm, sending shivers down my spine and also making me relax.

I saw Maslinka walk to the bottom of the staircase. "GET UP LAZY ASSES! IT'S CHRISTMAS AND ALSO THE WAFFLES ARE READY!!" Maslinka shouted at the top of her lungs as I covered my ears. I heard some groans from upstairs and people getting up.

"Good Morning to you to-" Zayn yawned, stopping on the bottom step when he saw us.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies!!!" Niall said stifling a laugh.

"Zayn Move!!" Louis said walking into Zayn, and falling to the ground. Soon basically everyone was in a heap at the bottom of the staircase, apart from Eleanor who jumped over them.

"HAHA!! SHAAME!" Eleanor squealed as Maslinka, Niall, Harry and I cracked up at their faces.

"We should of filmed that!" I laughed. They started to get off each other, groaning and sitting on the couch.

Soon, all faces were turned to Harry and I.

"Three words. What. The- WHAT IS HAPPENING SOMEONE PINCH ME!" Louis said, screaming the last bit.

"Uhh, that was 8 words.. sorry to burst your bubble Boobear" Harry said.

"No-" Louis said

"Just let them explain!" Eleanor said slapping Louis playfully.

Well basically Maslinka and Niall started to explain what they saw happening to the rest. Everyone was excited and started screaming and congratulating us after the story had been told.

"You owe me 5 pounds!" Danielle said to Liam, holding out her hand.

"You guys made bets?! LOL" I laughed.

"So whatever happened to those hot chocolates??" Harry said to me.

"Look outside.." I laughed.

“Why’d you drop those?” He said.

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