{Some story name} (Felix x Reader)

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You sat in the mess hall twisted your finger in your (h/c) boredly. Grif was supposed to get some food and bring it back for you, himself, and Felix.

Felix sighed as he noticed you playing with ypur hair. "Boring, eh?"

"Yeah. There's nothing to do." You reply. Except maybe go for a walk with you...

Almost every thought you had was about Felix. You liked him. But did he like you back?

You pondered this, spacing out. When you came back to reality, you noticed Felix staring at you.

"Uhh... Did you say something Felix?"

"Yeah. I asked if you wanted to go play video games." His voice sounded like he was smirking. "I brought in a gaming system when I came."

You shrug. "Sure."

You both got up. You grabbed your (f/c) helmet and followed him.

Felix threw his helmet on his bed. You couldn't help but admire the orange and black hair. It fit Felix perfectly.

"N-Nice hair," you stuttered. Smooth, (y/n). Just fucking smooth.

"Thanks. You can take your armor off if you want." He said as he slid his off.

You nodded and started with your helmet. That slid off easy surprisingly. You got stuck with the armor that locks up. Unfortunately, that's what happened with your chest plate.

You struggled quietly. Felix watched you silently.

After a while you stopped and shrugged. "I'll be fine like this."

Felix walked over. "C'mon, (y/n), keep trying." He held the armor in place as you struggled.

You wiggled in the armor. Then, you fell forward from too much wiggling.

Before you knew it, you were on top of Felix.

"S-s-sorry F-Feli-" you began but got cut off by Felix who pressed his lips against yours.

You relaxed into the kiss. Finally he pulled away with a smirk and you realized what he did.

"You... You wanted me to fall on you, didn't you?"

"Look who's gotten smart." He laughed and drew you into another kiss.

After what seemed like forever, he lightly pushed you off and got the game system started.

You guys played video games all night long with the occasional kiss.

Crappy ending I know. Sorry. I actually kinda liked writing this request.

I'm always open for requests.

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