First Step

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I was walking down the hallway when I noticed it. No one was talking, walking, or even whispering! They were watching! And the scary thing is that most of them were watching me! It felt like they knew something that I didn't. But some of them were also watching Niall.

OH CRAP! HE SAW ME! Just mind your own business and he will leave you alone. Does he like driving me crazy?

He is coming this way...... OMG I'M SCREWED! Maybe I am wrong! Maybe he just wants to get to his class!

But I was wrong. I guess I was to scared to see, but everyone in the hallway had cleared out and it was just us.

"Hello Love," he said in his beautiful irish accent. "I'm..."

"I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" I cut him off and screamed in his face. WHATS WRONG WITH ME! "I'm sorry! That was really rude!"

"No. Dont be sorry. I get that a lot but I dont know why. Im just another human. Not some famous t.v. actor," he said with a smile in his face.

I giggled. "I'm Jane. Jane Karlwell."

"Well nice to formally meat you Jane Karlwell," he said with a giggle. "Um hey... I was wondering... would you like to hang out after school today?"

Ok! I take back what I said yesterday! TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!

"Sure. Name the time and place and I will be there."

"I will pick you up at your place at 4 and we will go catch a movie. Sounds good?"

"Sounds good."

"Whats your number?"

I didn't know what to do! Never, EVER has a boy asked me for my number and yet here I am standing in the presence of one that does.

"It's 1-847-338-0081"

"Cool, I will text you, k?"

"Ya that sounds good."

"Ok so see ya later Love"



♥Note From Britney♥

I would love to know your favorite person in 1D is. The boy with the most comments will be the next ine to come into the story.

Im not going to update until Saturday.

I love writing and the more you comment and vote for this book, the more I write. I know it isnt good but it would help.

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