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♥Note From Britney♥

Sorry I haven't updated in a while it's just I forget easily. This part may be a little confusing because I am not that good of a writter! But anyways, hope you enjoy it!

P.S. Liam is in the part!!!!!!!


Niall's Pov:

"I can't take it anymore! What do you think I should do Harry?"

"I think you should tell her how you feel. Better to let it out then keep it bottled up inside."

Harry has been my best friend ever since I moved to England. It is not easy moving from Ireland. Especially when I left behind my girlfriend, Lexie.

But now I have Jane. She is really cute and nice. I do like her... A LOT, but I still can't get over Lexie.

"So you want me to tell her that I really like her but when I'm with her I can't stop thinking about my ex?"

"It's better for you to tell her then for her to find out later! You make it sound like you aren't over Lexie yet."

I looked at Harry. "I like both of them..." I said as tears showed up in my eyes.

As soon as I said that Harry got up.


Harry's Pov:

"What are you doing?" Niall questioned me as I got up.

"Get your coat on. We are going out," I said.

As soon as I said 'going out' Niall had his coat on.

"Where are we going?" Niall asked excitedly. Food was his favorite thing. It aways make him feel better.

"Nando's" I said with a smerk on my face.


"The usual I presume," the waiter said to Niall. The waiter wasn't surprised to see Niall and I there cause we are there once a week in the same booth.

"Yes please! And I also have another question," Niall said with a look of wonder.

"Yes?" The waiter asked.

"What's your name? We are here every week and you are always the person to serve us, but I don't know your name," Niall said.

"My name is Liam," he said.


Jane's Pov:

"Why are we here again?" I asked Missy as we pulled up at a diner.

"It's to cheer you up! You need to get your mind strait! What the hell were you talking about saying I'm a vampire? I think I would know that!" Missy said. She has never believed me aboit anything. How am I going to convince her about THIS?

"What is this place called again?" as we took are seats.

"Nando's. I come here all the time with Harry." The second she said Harry I couldn't help but smile.


"Why what's over there?" I asked as I turned my head to see, but Missy grabbed my face and turned it back.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK!" She was screaming at me but then the waiter came.

"Hello, my name is Liam and I will be your..." he stopped looking at me. "Hello there. What is your name?"

"I'm Jane" I said.

"Well, Jane, you are really cute..." he said really shy with a smile on his face.

I couldn't help but blush. "Thank you," I said. He was really cute with brown hair and really, really, really pretty brown eyes like mine.

"I get off of work at 7. Maybe we can go out to eat or something..." he said.

I couldn't help but think that this was a blessing. I mean I get to go out with a guy that's not a vampire! OMG!

"Sure, that would be nice," I replied.

I need to go to Nando's more often.

"So meat you here at 7?"

"It's a date!" and with that he went on his day.


♥Note From Britney♥

Ohhhhhhh! Who do you think is going to react the worse to this situation?

a) Niall

b) Zayn

c) Harry

Like I said, hope you enjoyed this part. I don't know when I will update next, but I PROMISE I will.

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