Inside The House

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Jane wasn't sure if she wanted to go inside.
"Tootsie, it's ok if you don't want to do this case." Maura said soothingly to Jane.
"No. I have to because if Hannah isn't dead in that house, then I have to find her..." Jane said quietly.
"Ok sweetie. Just don't do anything that will make you even more upset." Maura told Jane. Jane nodded her head. They walked into Hannah's almost burnt down house with protective gear on incase the building collapsed. As they looked around they only saw two bodies, presumably Hannah's parents. Jane sighed and continued searching. For anything. As soon as she was about to give up looking, she found a fire safe box and opened it. She nearly cried with what she saw. There were baby photos of Hannah with her birth certificate. The Richards wedding papers and pictures of them at their wedding. Under all of this stuff there was a letter. From the killer:
Hello detective. If you have found this you are not so bad. But you aren't good enough to find me or your little Hannah. Hannah is with me now and she is very gorgeous so she should last awhile... enjoy the rest if your day detective.
"Maura!" Jane started to cry and was holding the paper still. Maura rushed over, read it and held Jane tight.
"Shh. Its ok tootsie. We will find her don't worry." Maura whispered reassuringly.
"I sure hope so.." Jane whimpered and buried her face in Maura's chest. As soon as she let go, they put the box and the contents inside into an evidence bag and went out if the house.
"Anything?" Korsak asked.
"Yeah. A letter from the killer to me." Jane replied full of anger.
"Did he say anything about hannah?" Frost questioned.
"Only that she would last a long time because of how gorgeous she is." Jane said in disgust.
They all looked at eachother for a minute. "We will get her" Frost said as he got into his car. Jane left with Maura and they went back to BPD in silence. Maura was worried about Jane and didn't know how to help her feel better. Jane had been quiet for the rest of the day and had been looking for any thing that could help them find Hannah she hadn't even noticed when Maura came up behind her, kissed her head and said "Ready to Go home tootsie?" Jane shrugged and said, "I guess." They went home and Jane sat on the couch not doing anything particular, just sitting there. She then got up and chugged down three beers until Maura calmly said, "Jane I think that's enough for one night and locked the fridge so she couldn't take any more beers. Jane was actually grateful for Maura doing that because Jane wouldn't 've able to work and concentrate tomorrow with a hangover. "C'mon tootsie, let's go to bed." Jane smiled drunkenly and said, "can we do more than just sleep?" Maura laughed and nodded her head as her and Jane went to their bedroom.

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