Part 1

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Oliver POV

"No! No please! Ahhhhhhh!!!"

In one quick movement I sliced off his head. His tousled brown hair hit the floor, his eyes frozen in horror. And his body crumpled to the floor, plain and lifeless, blood dripping onto the floor.

I didn't want to kill. Not really. But I wanted other people to suffer like I did. To feel shock and pain and horror and death. To feel hopelessness as you realize you're about to breathe your last breath.

I want to feel superior to those around me. To know that I hold power that no one can take away. And so I kill.

My life was pretty bad. In fact, it was horrible. I always went unnoticed, and when I was noticed I was just underfoot and pushed out of the way.

As a teenager of 17, I felt so hopelessly lost and confused that I committed suicide.
You must understand, at that point in my life I had no friends, no family, no hope, and no love.
It was just after I had figured out I was gay.

My family had a history of mental illness, and my mother was committed  to a mental hospital when I was 4. After that, my father became an alcoholic and started abusing drugs.
He died of drug overdose when I was 7 and from then on my 16 year old sister took care of me.
But unfortunately when I was 12, she died in a car accident while bringing home groceries.

The police came to my house and social services sent me to an orphanage, where I punched someone for sitting in my seat. After that I went from home to home and from orphanage to orphanage, but I had violent outbursts and so no body wanted me.

Eventually I just ran away. I killed myself, and went to heaven. I figured it was payment for a crappy life.

It was beautiful there. White and sparkling, everyone alive and well.
But then I was dragged back down to earth by some crazy scientist. Forced to rot here for all eternity.

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