Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Three. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

I got to the hospital as soon as I could. The state my brother was in was horrible; I couldn't stand to see him like that. It would have been horrible if it was Adam but it was even worse with Brayden; Brayden is my twin and I am unbelievably close with him. Seeing Brayden in that hospital bed was one of the worst things ever. I couldn't even imagine what Lydia was going through plus add on the fact that she is pregnant, Brayden had something to wake up for, something to recover for. When he actually woke up I was so relieved; plus when Lydia told him that he was going to become a dad, his face was priceless and I don't think he could've been happier.

Brayden is back at home now. I am still staying with Brayden and Lydia, the doctor said that Brayden's recovery should take a little over 6 months but that was his recovery at home, he was in the hospital for just under 2 months. I have been away from Marcus for over 2 months now, it's killing me and it has been putting such a strain on our relationship. We have been calling each other regularly, Marcus has been vlogging too so I get to see what's going on back home too. I said to Lydia that I wasn't going to leave until Brayden was properly back on his feet however that will probably be towards the end of her pregnancy anyway so I might stay for that too but I am hoping that Marcus can come to stay for a while.

It's really cold here at the moment. Luckily Brayden and Lydia's house is well heated but as Brayden isn't allowed to work I have been helping Lydia out with the farm. I think she is grateful that I am here, she has said to me that without me she wouldn't be able to handle everything as Brayden is usually the one that gets up super early to attend to all of the animals but that's what I have been doing so that Lydia doesn't need to get up super early. Soon enough she won't be able to work because of the fact she is pregnant so if Marcus manages to come down here to help then that will make things so much easier.

I am woken up by Lydia knocking on my door; I shoot up and open the door "I am so so sorry. I didn't mean to sleep in" I say and she giggles "It's fine" she says and we both walk downstairs, Brayden wheels into the living room and smiles at me "Morning Sissy" he says and I hug him "Morning Wheels" I say and he chuckles "Great nickname" he says rolling his eyes "Well duh" I say. We hear a car pull up on the driveway which is unusual as not many people need to come down here "Who is that?" I ask and Lydia and Brayden just smirk "Why don't you go and see" she says pointing to the door.

I walk to the door and open it. I gasp when I see who steps out of the car that I recognise all to well. He looks to me "MARCUS" I shout running over to him. I jump into his arms and wraps my legs around his waist whilst he spins me around "I have missed you so much" he says as he puts me down "I can't believe you are here" I say and he smirks "You might want to thank your brother and sister-in-law for that" he says and I turn around to see Lydia walking out pushing Brayden "You organised this?" I ask and Brayden nods "I know when my sister misses someone. As much as it annoys me that she has a boyfriend, I am glad it's Marcus because I know he cares about you way too much" he says.

I look to Marcus "Do you want to go for a walk? I am presuming you know this place like the back of your hand already" he says and I nod "I have had some spare time whilst looking after all the animals. So yeah, I remembered" I say and I look to Lydia "Do you mind if we disappear for a couple of hours?" I ask and she shakes her head "Of course I don't. You haven't seen each other in months. Go have fun" I say and Brayden glares softly at Marcus "You take care of my sister Butler. I might be in a wheelchair right now but when I get out I can so kick your ass" he says.

I leave Marcus to talk to Lydia and my brother whilst I get changed. I have my shower pretty quickly and then change into dark burgundy ripped jeans, a black t-shirt with a galaxy coloured Fall Out Boy logo in the middle, black ankle boots that have good grip so they are good to walk in, a black biker jacket with faux leather sleeves and a dark burgundy scarf that I wrap around my neck once and I pull the middle out so that it is kind of like a snood. I walk to the living room where Lydia and Brayden are talking to Marcus about the baby "I will stay here and help as best I can when I need to" Marcus says and I smile.

I am so glad that Marcus showed up. I mean, I was thinking that I wasn't going to be able to see him for a long time unless we arranged for a time for me to go home or for him to visit me. I love my brother more than anything and I know that it is hard on Marcus to be away from me for a long time and I hate it too but I would drop whatever for my brother. Don't get me wrong, I love Marcus, I love him too much sometimes but myself and my brother have a bond of sorts, I know he would do anything for me no matter what and I am proud to say that I would do the exact same.


That was Chapter Twenty-Three, hope you liked it and I apologise for such the late update. I was on holiday and got back late last night but I didn't manage to get wifi until earlier as something was wrong with it.

Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.......

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