Chapter 3: Nothing But The Truth

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Clinging to the railing with all her might, Atsuko searched her head for a logical answer for what she just heard. All her life her family had pursued rationality, that there was always a logical answer for everything, but after her coma and the dream, she didn't really know what to believe. A lot of events that were happening to her had no logical response, no earthly knowledge to apply to it. If the voice that spoke those words was telling the truth, whatever the truth was, she was ready for it.

"Atsuko?" Peaking over her shoulder, Atsuko saw Marik with a worried expression, walking towards her in the darkened hallway. "I'm just wondering if you're okay? You've been gone for hours." Instead of replying like she normally would have, Atsuko looked to the sky and internally pointed out the constellations visible to her. Ursa Minor and the Big Dipper were easy for her to spot but it took a little more effort to notice that Draco was visible. Looking below the Big Dipper she noticed the constellation that her father called Anu and to the left of it was Cygnus. According to her father, Anu and Cygnus were visible even during the times of ancient civilizations, so in some ways, as he put it, she was looking at the same sky as her ancestors did every night. Marik took her out of her thoughts, "Here. I thought you might want it back."

Finally taking her eyes away from the stars, Atsuko looked at what he had brought for her. "My bracelet!" It was a gift from her father's mother. According to her it was passed down through her family to the female that was born with blonde hair. There was always one every other generation and it just so happened that Atsuko was her. There was a prophecy along with it as well which stated, 'She who loves the chosen king will know the power trapped within.' When told this, Atsuko took it with a grain of sand but accepted the gift nonetheless because of the sentimental value it had. Due to that sentimental value, Atsuko can remember clearly when Marik stole it from her and swore that he would use it's powers for whatever he was up to during Battle City.

"Do you mind telling me what happened at dinner? You worried a lot of people." He asked as Atsuko placed the bracelet back on her arm where it belonged.

"It's hard to explain."

"I have time."

"It might be boring."

"You are never boring."


"So?" Marik was hard to deter once he wanted to know something and it appeared he really wanted to know what was up.

"During my coma, I had this dream. It was based here in Egypt, but in ancient times when there was a pharaoh and probably around the time my bracelet was created. It started with a little girl and her family, who were forced out of their town due to thieves who burnt it to the ground but, because of her fathers relationship with the Pharaoh, they moved to the palace. There the girl met this boy, the prince, and she fell in love with him but, after some time she ran away from her family and the palace because she was supposed to die and she was ashamed of something she had done. Suddenly, it was five years later and that prince had become the Pharaoh but he still loved and missed the girl very much. The night before his coronation, someone came to the palace, that looked exactly like the girl, the Pharaoh and the girls family noticed it immediately. When they asked the girl she denied it, but the truth was, it was her. Everyone eventually found out that information but during it all, people died and eventually she did too."

Atsuko paused, waiting for confirmation to see if Marik was still following along. She was about to begin again until Marik asked, "So what caused you to leave like that? Nothing seems incredibly special about the information you just gave me."

"Well the girl, she looked exactly like me. The hair, the skin tone, the eyes and features, everything was down to a 'T'. Her family looked exactly like mine, and the Pharaoh was...well he was...."

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