Chapter 7: Are We Meant To Be Together?

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Everyone was in the room that Atsuko was lying in. By everyone that meant the Kaiba brothers, Joey, Tea, Tristan, Yugi, Atem, Atsuko's father, her brother, Pegasus, the President and also a doctor. Atsuko recognized her father and brother, Seto, Mokuba and Pegasus but the rest of the faces in the room looked extremely foreign to her. She thought that she had seen two of them tv before for winning a couple duelling tournaments but that was all that she knew of them. She didn't know their names, she didn't know their names but she did know that she didn't have any relation with them.

"Atsuko, are you sure you don't recognize them?" Mokuba asked, somewhat confused about how she could forget them.

"Mokuba, don't interrupt the doctors questions. Let him do his job." Seto said quietly, his voice showing the side that he didn't really show others. Atsuko only knew about his 'human' side due to spending so much time with Mokuba.

"Now, what do you last remember?" The doctor said just as Seto finished speaking to his brother.

"I remember being in Japan and packing to come to Egypt with my mom for a tournament that I was invited to. I am to play the winner of the tournament." Atsuko looked at the concerned faces around her as she spoke because it was obvious to them that she didn't know her mother was dead. "So what happened to me exactly?"

"I'll let your friends and family worry about that, I just have a couple more questions for you."

"Oh, sure."

"What year is it?"


"Good. And the month?"


"Good, and are you currently on any medications?"

"No, sir."

"Okay. Do you drink or smoke?"


"Any illegal drugs you take for recreational purposes?"


"Have you ever been depressed?"

"No, sir."

"Do you have a history of seizures or cancer?"


"Last question, is there a family history of neurological or psychiatric diseases or conditions?"

"Not that I'm aware."

The doctor looked at her father and gave him a look as if he was confirming all of her answers. "She's correct."

Turning back toward Atsuko the doctor scribbled some notes on his clipboard and placed it on the night stand table. He turned to everyone behind in and said "If you don't mind, can I ask everyone to leave?"

"Is something wrong doctor?" Atem asked. He had stayed silent this entire time because of the shock of Atsuko not remembering who he was.

"I'm just going to try and explain to Atsuko what I believe is wrong. I find it easier if it's just between the patient and I so there are no distractions."

Everyone started to leave, except Atem. His eyes were locked on Atsuko's face and when she turned to look at him, his heart broke when there was no loving gaze being returned through her coral eyes. He turned towards the door just as a tear fell down his face, hoping that Atsuko didn't notice it and walked past his friends toward the palace grounds. He tried controlling his tears but it was no use. Thinking back to their past, he thought of all the times they had as children and it broke his heart even more knowing that Atsuko no longer had those memories. He dropped onto a bench and help his head in his hands, frustrated by their uncertain future. Quietly, he asked himself, "Are we meant to be together?"

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