Chapter 4: Creator vs Creator

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Atsuko slowly made her way to the attaching bathroom of the room she was provided. It was 7:00 am and the duel was in three hours, giving her more than enough time to get ready and to do last minute preparations. Stepping out of the shower, Atsuko wiped the steam that had covered the mirror and looked at the sight that she was going to allow the world to see for the first time. The real Atsuko, the duelist and the daughter of a great CEO. Then she thought of Atem and wondered what exactly she was to him and how they were going to continue things. The world to which Atsuko was more accustomed to, the present day, was very different from the life she had in Ancient Egypt. There were many different rule and codes, many cultural faux-pas, so if Atem and Atsuko suddenly appeared as a loving couple, it would cause much confusion. After all, they hadn't officially met until this tournament, possibly causing some speculation that Atsuko didn't want to risk for her fathers sake.

Wrapping the towel around her tightly, Atusko made her way to the drawers that had some of her clothes. Most of her things were packed away in the suit case she had brought with her for the original tournament two weeks ago and she would finish packing things later that day. According to her father through an email he had sent her that morning, he wished for her to return to Japan as soon as her duel was over so they could have the funeral. The idea of having to bury her mother so soon saddened Atsuko but she knew that this time would pass, like many of the troubling times her family has had to go through. While she was replying back to her father's email, a loud ding came from her phone that was beside her computer. It was her brother, first apologizing for taking so long to reply and continued to say that he was enjoying Canada and reminding her that he would be home in time for the funeral. Atsuko smiled, then turned her attention back to her computer, typing ferociously to reply to her father. After she finished that, she moved onto another piece of important business that she had to attend to. After about 20 minutes she was done with that and moved to the bed, letting the towel go and changing into the outfit she thought was best appropriate. She was going to admit that it was leaving a bit to the imagination in a conservation way but Atem was the King of Games, she was going to have to try this out.

She pulled the shirt over her head and heard a knock at the door and yelled "Come in" as she pulled it to her waist. Not very surprisingly, Marik was the one she walked through the door and immediately gave her a weird look. "What?"

"That's cheating." He said and gave a smirk right after. "I like it."

"I'm not cheating. It's just, I thought it would help, that's all."

"No contacts?'

"Trying to take him off guard." Of course she would lie, Marik would only bug her for the real answer if she gave hints. "Why are you up so early?"

"The President said that he was hoping that everyone joined his family for breakfast, some kind of a friendly exchange before the big battle. Sounds more like some way to get something from you."

Atsuko grabbed her deck and duel disk, closing the door behind her as she followed Marik to the dining hall. "He wants something from me? Why do you think that?"

"Isn't that what political figures are always after? They always want something that you have."

Atsuko laughed. "That's not true."

"What's not true?" A familiar voice said behind them. It was Gamal, who was making his way to the dining hall as well, along with Tea and Tristan.

"Good morning everyone." Marik said happily.

"Good morning." Tea said, immediately grabbing Atsuko's arm and pulling her to the front of the group. "So, I wanted to ask yo-....Oh my god!"

"What? Is there something on my face?" Atsuko went to the window to look at the barely visible reflection.

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