Chapter Sixteen: Oh look who took a break from his mental break down.

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The week had rolled by very fast which wasn't entirely a good thing. I had told my parents about my boyfriend of course not revealing that it was Alex cause my dad would definitely have a fit. But it was finally Friday and there was no escaping it now. I could tell Alex was very uneasy about the whole situation but I assured him there was nothing to worry about. After school I got a ride with Tate knowing Alex didn't want to get any where near my house until later tonight.

"So I heard you're telling parents about you and Alex." he said.

"Yeah. I mean I really like him and I'm tired of lying to m parents so yeah. My dad might not exactly be thrilled about the relationship but he'll learn to live with it...right?" I said in a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm sure everything will be fine." he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Thanks for all you confidence Tate." I said.

"Your welcome. Good luck with tonight. Text me and tell me how it goes." he said. I just nodded getting out of his car and going inside. I got inside and I heard the vacuum running. I got up the stairs and my mum was running around cleaning.

"Mum what are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh Charlotte your home already. I'm just cleaning for our guest for tonight, and the vacuum is keeping the racket from your dad nervously strumming downstairs." she said.

"Why is he nervously strumming downstairs?" I asked.

"You know him. He's just worried that his little girl is going to get hurt. That's all. Why don't you see if he's done and ready to help me set the table." she said. I nodded and headed downstairs. I turned the corner and saw my dad strumming guitar and humming to himself. Let's just say whenever my dad is either nervous or extremely happy he down stairs by himself with his guitar. This time it wasn't out of happiness.

"Hey dad." I said. Once he heard my voice he stopped playing.

"Oh your home." he said.

"Yeah..." a silence took over us. Wow tonight was going to be worse then I expected. He's nervous just to meet some random boy wait till he finds out its Alex Irwin.

"Why are you so nervous?" I said.

"I'm not that nervous." he said, and I obviously didn't believe him.

"Dad you know I wouldn't be dating this guy if I didn't really like him right. So just come down, know it'll all be fine and help mom set the table." I finally said.

"Alright I trust you." he said kissing the top of my head. I gave him smile as we both walked up stairs.

"Oh look who finally took a break form his mental break down." my mum said. I couldn't help but giggled. I really hope my dad doesn't freak out so much that he has a heart attack.


It was around seven o'clock and it was finally time for dinner. My heart was beating outside of my chest. My family is going to hate me, that's all. I'll have to move to London or something. Yeah my life is over. The table was set dinner was about to be ready and probably the most painful seconds of my life were when the door bell rang, and my parents waited for me to go answer it. I gulped and walked to the front door.

Here goes nothing.

I turned the doorknob revealing Alex looking down at his shoes. He looked up at his me with a big smile on his face. Her a black button up and black jeans.

"You clean up nice." I said.

"You don't look to bad yourself." he said looking me up and down. I looked down at my black floral skirt and black tank top. Finally my only pair heals.

More Than Friends // Sequel of Friends with Benefits.Where stories live. Discover now