Chapter Twenty Seven: I'll be right back I'm going to murder a psycho bitch

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*Not proof read cause I'm lazy af. Sorry not sorry.*

I decided laying in bed all week wasn't a very good idea so I was going to school after my dad basically forced me to stay home and rest for a day. I got dressed and put on my fedora.

"Charlotte you don't have to go to school today." my dad tried to explain.

"Dad I'm fine. Tate will be with me all day today and he's driving me home right after." I said, readjusting my hat in the mirror.

"She'll be fine Luke. Tate will watch out for her and besides she's a Hemmings nothing fazes her." my mum stated.

"Okay just be careful." he said.

"I will dad don't worry." I reassured him. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pair of glasses. Of course they were mine.

"I found these in the basement behind some old guitars. If you're going to school you are at least wearing these glasses." he said.

"Ugh fine but only because I'm the best daughter in the world." I said taking the glasses and putting them on. I gave him and my mum a hug.

"Love you bye." I called back to them as I walked out the door. Tate waited for me in the car. I got in and Tate said but didn't look at me.

"Hey look at me." I said grabbing his chin, making him look at me. His eye had gotten worse and was completely bruised.

"Oh my god Tate." I said rubbing his cheek.

"I'm fine really, it's just a bruise. Don't worry about me." he said.

"What do you mean don't worry about you. Tate all you have been doing is getting hurt because of me." I explained.

"No it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself." He said taking my hand in his.

"I still feel shitting for it." I mumbled.

"Don't. Let's just go to school." he said.

"Okay fine." I sighed. He started to drive again and eventually we got to the school. I stepped out of the car and everything seemed to be normal beside the fact that people were staring at Tate because his face was all beaten up. Whispers were also surrounding us as we  walked into school hand in hand. I guess my hands started to shake in Tate's because he squeezed it tighter.

"It's okay Charlie I got you." he whispered to me. We got to my locker and Tate stood there with me. I grabbed my books and started walking with him. I was terrified to leave his side for even a second. I turned my head to the right  and saw Aidan walking towards our directions. Tate hadn't seen but I had and I was filled with anger and hate that I didn't realize I was walking towards him until I heard Tate calling after me.

"Charlotte I-" I didn't get him to finish until I punched him straight in the face. He immediately fell to the ground and I was going to kick him again but Tate stopped me.

"What kind of person sends some guys to attack Tate then has some creep pull me into a dark alley and pull a knife on me?! You're crazy and when I find your little partner Madison I'm gonna rip out every one of her perfect teeth." I yelled. I had attracted some attention, mostly from when I punched him.

"Charlotte let's go." Tate said practically pulling me away from the scene. I pulled myself out of Tate's grip out of pure anger and stomped to class. I hated Aidan. I hated Madison. I hated them all. I got into class and sat down and didn't talk to Tate the whole time. He also didn't try to make any conversation.


I was silent through out half the day and now it was lunch. I didn't feel like being here anymore, but I didn't need to be grounded on top of all the other shit in my life. I sat lunch not talking to the rest of  the group as I played with my food.

"You okay princess?" Alex said in a soft tone still using his nickname for me.

"Yeah." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear me. Tate put his hand on my thigh. Not in a seductive way but in a gentle and sweet way. I looked up from my plate for the first time the whole lunch, and I saw the one person I definitely didn't want to see right now.

"I'll be right back I'm going to murder a psycho bitch." I said, quickly getting up from my seat, before Tate could stop me.

"Hey Madison." I yelled across cafeteria. She turned and she had a look of fear plastered on her face, and anger plastered on mine. I took a tray off of one of the tables. Today way some sort of meat and didn't even want to know what it was.

"Charlotte listen I didn't things would get this carried away. I just was so jealous. We didn't know what we were doing." she pleaded.

"Jealous? Seriously that's your excuse for everything. You were jealous of me?!" I shouted. She just stood there.

"You are a crazy girl that can't let go of an old boyfriend, so you go to the extremes to have Tate get the shit beat out of him and me grabbed on my way home from school." I yelled.

"Charlotte I'm sorry please." she said.

"You know, this surprise meat would look way better like this." I said, then pouring the whole this on her head and some on her fancy blouse.

"Damn I feel way better. Next time you ever come near me again you're gonna wish that I just poured my lunch on top of you." I didn't go and sit back down, I just stormed out of the cafeteria half in tears. I didn't know where to go so I went to the only place I knew I would be alone. The girls bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and cried.

Why me? What did I every do to deserve this? I cried by myself in the stall hoping no one would come in to hear me.

"Charlie?" I heard Tate's voice coming from right outside my stall.

"How did you find me?" I said in between sobs.

"In fourth grade when Billy Anderson told you kept bullying you. You always came in the bathroom to cry. I guess things haven't changed." he sighed.

"Please go away. I don't want anyone seeing me cry." I said. It was true. I hated when people saw me cry even the people I'm the closest with.

"Charlie I've grown up with you, and have seen you cry a million times. One more time isn't gonna faze me. Please come out so I can kiss your beautifully red swollen face." he asked me. I unlocked the door slowly and walked out slowly.

"See was that so hard?" he said. I hugged him as more tears ran down my face.

"Why do put up with me? I'm such a mess." I said.

"Because I love you." he said rubbing my back.

"I love you too" I said trying to calm down.

"Now can I kiss you beautifully red and swollen face?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded her cupped my cheeks with his hands and pressed his soft lips to mine. No matter if my life is a shit whole and I'm a mess Tate will stick by my no matter what, and I truly love him for that.  

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