Chapter Thirty-one: You love him?

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"What did you say Charlotte?" My dad said in a annoyed tone.

"Um I said that..." I trailed off not really knowing what to say. How could I be so stupid?

"Charlotte can I talk to you, downstairs?" he said in a angered tone. I nodded and followed him downstairs with my head held low.  He shut the door behind me.

"You've got two minutes explain what I just heard." he stated.

"Okay listen. After Alex broke up with me Tate was always there for me and then we told each other we liked each other and we've kept it a secret from you because I knew you would freak out on me" I said all in one breathe.

"Of course I'm going to freak out Charlotte! You could date anyone on the face of the planet but Tate Hood? Really? I know you're going to say I'm just being over protective and yes I am but I'm also being reasonable." he stated

"Reasonable? How is yelling at me like I'm five and can't make choices for myself reasonable? I know what I'm doing dad, and I'm not going to sit here and watch you look at me like I can't make decisions for myself." I went and opened the door and ran out.

"Charlotte Bethany Hemmings we are not done talking." he yelled out to me as he followed behind me. (aw I miss Beth)

"I'm done talking to you. Nothing you say will make me want to break up with Tate or make feel any other way then the way I feel now." I yelled. Now we were both yelling at each other in the kitchen in front of my mum and Tate.

"Oh come on Charlotte. You don't even know what you're feeling." he said.

"Why can't you just except that I love Tate!" I cried. He would never understand though. Everyone went silent  as tears rolled down my face.

"What did you say?" my dad asked   

"I said that you can't except that I love him." I said.

"You love him?" he said pointing to Tate. He looked at me then at Tate then back at me.

"Yes that's what I just said. Would you like me to repeat it in a different language?" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"I-" Its like he couldn't speak. What had I said that made his mood immediately change.

"What's wrong with you now?" I snapped. He just stared at me though. I was beginning to give up on this whole argument.

"Mum what's his problem?" I said in  frustration.

"He's in shock." She said.

"In shock about what exactly?" I asked.

"That you're in love." she smiled at me. Then it clicked in my head. I had never really spoken of love. I had never said that I truly loved Alex when I was with him and I hadn't been in any real relationships before that. Knowing my dad he was completely in shock that I could ever say I was in love because he was so protective of me.

"Oh my god. My daughter is in love." he said. I stayed silent as I  could tell he was thinking.

"Holy fuck. Tessie our daughter is in love and I told her that she shouldn't love him." he said now as if he was so disappointed in his self.

"I'm an awful dad. Charlotte I'm sorry." He said. I tried to say something to him but he had already walked out of the room and I heard my parents' bedroom door slam shut.

What just happened? One minute he's telling me that being with Tate is a big mistake and that I should rethink about it then the next minute I'm telling him I love Tate and now he thinks he's a bad father.

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